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The last couple of months had been pretty difficult. The morning after Thanksgiving Brian had told me that he needs some time to think. I don't really blame him, I needed some time too. I didn't expect us to get married right away, but it would've been nice eventually. I'm currently at the station, sitting at my desk with my partner. We were just joking around and laughing when our Captain came out. 

"Cooper, Spencer. We just got a call about a domestic violence. I need you two to look into it." Matt and I jumped up and headed out. When we got to the scene, I could hear the couple yelling from inside the house. I was about to go knock on the front door when I heard crashing inside. Matt and I ran to the front door. 

"NYPD! OPEN UP!" I yelled. There was no response, just more yelling and stuff being thrown. I looked at Matt and he just nodded to me. He brought his leg up and kicked the door in. We pulled out our guns and went inside. We saw a woman on the ground bleeding and her husband standing over her body, crying. My heart dropped. Please let this woman still be alive. 

"Step away from her!" I heard Matt yelling. The man put his hands up and when I went closer to check his wife's heartbeat, he rushed forward and pushed me out of the way so he could run out of the house. He pushed me hard enough for me to fall on the ground. I tried to break my fall with my hand, but I screamed out in pain when I landed. It felt like I broke my wrist. I looked over as Matt had tackled the husband to the ground and put cuffs on him. I tried to ignore my pain and I went over to the wife. I checked her neck for a pulse and got a faint one. I grabbed my radio and called in for an ambulance. Matt had taken the husband to the cruiser and came back in with the paramedics. 

"I'm fine, I promise." I tried to convince Matt. 

"No, you're not. Look at the bruising that's already started on your wrist. You broke something, and you need to go to the doctors. I'll call Quinn for you." He pulled out his phone.

"No! Don't do that!" I said too quickly. Matt looked up at me with an eyebrow raised. "We are on a break right now, and he's also at work." He took a deep breath.

"Okay, then who do I call for you? I'll take you, but I can call someone for you."

I'm sitting in the ER waiting to be seen by a doctor. I looked over and Sal was sitting next to me reading a book. He came as quick as he could to the hospital. Matt had to leave for a while to go take care of his wife and baby. I've done the blood test, just waiting on a doctor or nurse to take me up to imaging for my wrist. 

"Hey Sal, thanks for coming with me. I don't really like the doctors very much."

"Of course, Sabrina. But why didn't you call Q?"

"We're taking a break. We found out that I want to get married and have kids someday and-"

"And Q doesn't." He said softly, knowing his best friend.

"Yeah. He said he needed time to think. So I didn't want to bother him with this."

"I'm pretty sure that he would've come if you asked him to. He loves you."

"Yeah, but sometimes that isn't enough. Y'know?" He nodded and I heard someone knocking on the door. The doctor stepped in and shook my hand.

"Is this your husband?" She asked me.

"No. He's my brother." Doctors usually get weird if someone who isn't related to you is in the room. 

"Okay, Mrs. Cooper. It looks like we can't do an x-ray today. Your blood results came back."

"Why can't I get an x-ray?"

"There are congratulations in order. It looks as if you are around 2 months pregnant." Shit. Fuck. Shit. I looked over at Sal, and he looked surprised. I couldn't say anything. I was dumbfounded. The doctor asked me if I wanted to get an ultrasound and I just slowly nodded. Soon we were in a dark room and my stomach was exposed. The technician was moving the doppler around my pelvis area and I was silently crying to the sound of the baby's heartbeat. Sal was standing near me, holding my hand. He was being very supportive. Soon I saw my baby on the monitor and instantly fell in love. This was unreal. 

"I'm an uncle," Sal said quietly, squeezing my hand. 

Sal drove me to the fire station after we had left the hospital. We talked for a few hours in the car and he convinced me that I needed to talk to Brian. As much as I didn't want to, it was the right thing to do. I was about to get out of the car when I turned to Sal. I gave him a big hug and he hugged me back. I gave him a copy of the sonogram and got out of the car. When I walked into the station, I immediately saw him and my heart went a mile a minute. He looked up and saw me and his face lit up. That's until he saw my wrist all bandaged up and ran to me. He grabbed me into a hug and then looked me in the eyes. 

"Are you okay?!" He asked me frantically. I told him what had happened and he hugged me again. "Why didn't you call me?"

"I didn't want to bother you, Brian. You told me that you needed space. So I was giving you space."

"That doesn't mean that you don't call me, 'Brina. I would've come to you in a heartbeat. I'm glad that Sal was there though."

"Brian, we need to talk." 

"Okay, what about?"

"Can we go somewhere more private?" He nodded and we went to his jeep. I looked down at my hands for a while.

"What's going on? You're scaring me." I pulled the sonogram out of my pocket and handed it to him. I watched his face go from confusion to a face I had never seen him make before. He was silent for a while, just staring at the picture. 

"Did you do this on purpose?" He asked me, hurt in his voice.

"Why would I do this on purpose? Especially when I know how you feel about this?"

"It isn't a coincidence that we have a fight about me not wanting kids, we fuck, and then you show up 2 months later telling me that you're pregnant."

"Are you serious right now? This is why I didn't want to tell you. But Sal told me that I needed to." I started to get out of the Jeep.

"Wait, Sal knows?" 

"Of course he knows, he was with me in the hospital."

"Great, he knew before me."

"It's not my fault that he knew first! I didn't know that I was pregnant."

"It is your fucking fault that he knew first. You called him, not me."

"Look, you have a choice. You can either be apart of this or not. It's your decision. I won't be upset or persuade you to do anything." I got out of the Jeep and started walking towards Sal's car. He had been waiting for me.

"How'd it go?" He asked me when I got in the car.

"Well, as good as we thought it would. He thinks I did this on purpose."

EverlongOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora