Chap 3: Secrects out

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What is up you guys it me wolf-chick here's another chap if you were confused on the last chap well pitch is back as a vampire with his brother who is also a vampire as well. The man in moon has chosen new vampire slayers instead of a guardian. Elsa anna and rap (rapunzel) are surprise to see who they are and let's see who it is in this chap

W-C peace out ✌️🌕🌙


Elsa pov

I hate I a mean hate my life my life. now how am I going to explain this to the four idiots they bearly now how to say our names unless they only know the words dork , nerd, weirdo, and freak. 'Worst part we have give them a necklace stone thing that was blue , red orange , purple , red , green , and yellow and no disguises I need to stop wearing a hat that hides all of my platinum blonde hair , get rid of the glasses , leave my hair out .....'nah I'll keep it in a lower bun. But how do we explain this we don't have time to wait around but we do have enough time and we need pay back on hiccup following Merida. If one gets followed by a follower we kick ass. "Anna rap let's go we're going to be late!" I screamed at a still tired people for staying up late seeing chick flicks movies 'it's there tradition'.

"And here I thought my sister was not a morning person" said a grumby anna who finally got down stairs with rap. Anna had her hair in pig tails and light make up a green shirt that said 'I don't care about school' and a knee high skirt with dark green flats. Rap had her long hair in a braid and finally is not wearing make up on her freckles and wore a purple shirt that had some kind of flower picture or sun, skinny black jeans , and pink vans.

"Alright ready " " ready" said a tired rap "I want to sleep" said a still grumpy. " okay let's go". We ran and Merida caught up with us "ye guys look different " said Merida " well we umm have something to tell in the alley"I said to Merida "alright then". We finally made it and told her about pitch and new vampire slayers. "And we have to tell them what we are " "WHAT IM NOT GOING TO LET THEM . IM OKAY TELLING THE OTHER SLAYERS BUT THE FOUR IDIOTS . WE KNOW THEYLL END UP TELLING OR BLACKMAILING US AND WE HAVE TO MOVE AGIAN AND I LIKE IT HERE!!"she said getting angry by the secon and you can see fire in her hand eyes changing even with contacts on " mer calm down" said rap "calm down ....CALM DOWN HOW CAN I CALM DOWN" 'ok I'm getting tired I hate doing this but I have to' I went behind a dumbster and got a plastic bag the said 'Merida' so I got it a trew 3 hand full of grass that dragons love at her and she feel on the floor rubbing on top of them 'thank god the floors clean'. Then we heard footsteps we picked Merida up and she calmed down. And we turned and it was them.

Jack pov

Okay they are all there we finally going to get the bottom of this why are they wearing especially elsa anna was wearing a green shirt green skirt and dark green shoes, r was wear purple shirt with some drawing on it and skinny jeans and elsa was wearing a dark blue shit with a snowflake on it with a jacket on and also skinny jeans white flats and NO SUNGLASSES and pretty blue eyes 'did I just said pretty'. "okay tell us why were you guys weirder then usesual? Or else" 'this better work hiccup'

/39 minutes ago/

Finally the day we are going to follow the rest and not leave hicc trying to find something about Merida which was so far nothing and then I did a pit lazy 'I don't want to follow wierdo she might go to the library since she is a book worm.' Then hiccup and every one of the big four boy txted in group chat

H(iccup) guys I have an idea on how to find out why they were suspius!! XD

F(Lynn) and that is?

K(ristoff) good I was getting lazy to (yawn)

J(ack) same here XD

H: well why don't we just tell them

K: sure they'll tell us really quickly 😒

J: krist has a point there

H: no I mean we blackmail them to tell us you idiots -_-

F: well u only said

J: hey your only jealous cause I'm cooler then you guys 😎 B)

K: shut up I'm better

F: princesses princesses we all know I'm better (whips hair)

H:so deal

F: yeah

J: why not

K: ok

(End After ten min) back where we were

'This better work hiccup' "ok" 'wow hiccup was right we should have done it in the first place' "told you"he whispered to all of us. Elsa looked at her sister and cousin to Merida and said something stupid "we are not what you think we are we are not motals we are immortal me and anna are werewolves and rap is one to but is half witch Merida here can turn into a dragon that she is .we have the power to control only one season each anna is spring , rap is summer , Merida is fall and I am winter ...oh before I forget wear these necklaces. if you don't believe us tell your parents that your going to stay after school and follow us to the alley way." She said. She handed us some necklace with a stone mine was blue , Flynns was yellow, krist was green , and hiccup red orange. We stared at them and laughed " yeah and I'm a leprechaun and I'm here to get my pot of gold" said Flynn "they don't believe us" said rap "elsa time for plan b or just go with the after school thing" anna said to elsa "elsa I'm beggin you to do plan b" said Merida smelling "ok fine the hard way" elsa took out some ring with a snowflake on it and put it in her right ring finger. And what came out surprise me.

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