We meet agian

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Skip time to 6 period

Elsa pov

I walked into my 6 period class room which was math ugh and no one I know was in my class except Jack. He always sat next to me to see the answers or bother me when the teacher is talking about a lesson.

"Elsa ....pss..... Elsa.....pss" and right now he's annoying me

"what you want jack" I whispered so the teacher won't kill me

"how to wolf life chasing squirrels sniffing other dogs butt how is it?" 'he did not just insulted us. Let's see who will win the first round'

" one what are you talking about why would I have a wolf life? And what about you fucking all the sluts in the school , breaking hearts in a blink of an eye I mean how can a idiot like you do all that?" He was getting a pit mad but not tantrum mad

" well it's tough but I managed and what's with the the aditude Elsa no need to hide your feeling for me" he winked at me 'eww'.

"Why would I have feelings for you I have feeling for someone else" he was shocked no one well no girl has ever ever denied him but who said I was not like the other girls.

"Oh yeah who" he said curiously 'well I don't because one I do like someone Andrew but AGIAN the feeling saying it's not him keep look and two I have no feelings for someone onless it's my mate but I'll never find him'

"Why do you want to know?" I was curious why he wants to know who he is. He looked the other way and said

"Maybe I might know him and tell him that you like him " I could tell he was.....jealous WTF. ' maybe I read wrong why would Jack be jealous.

" look that's non of your bissnes so please leave me alone." I said or whispered. I had a feeling the teacher was going to turn and look at students that weren't paying attention she pointed at me.

"Elsa can you give me the answer that is up on the board." She commanded . I already know the answer I do college math for piece sakes

" the answer is 3,091 because you multiply 140.5 and 2 to get 281 the you multiply by 11 and you get 3,091." The teacher was nodding her head yes

"Good" she went back on the lesson " I can't believe your a werewolf I mean you solved a hard math question , and only geeks can solve it and geeks arent fit for being a werewolf "he whispered to me. I was getting mad I hate when people say that I can't be what I am because I'm a geek

" Jack you don't know me so why are you judging on what I am or not " he smirked at me and kept on talking

" because I'm good at judging people and you are just a geek a nobody " I got pissed ' he is almost passing the line

" oh yeah prove it" I challenged him he nodded then he said the one thing that will always tick me off

"then why don't you go where you belong where monsters belong in the woods or should I say in hell with your parents" and that did it I turned to face him to scream to his face but I saw a shadowy figure in the wall where the door was or should I say a nightmare. I remembered what manny said nights ago before we killed pitch

(Flash back)

Me , rap , anna , and some other wolves of war were behind us with merida dragon pack flying in the sky ready to begin war with pitch. But before we head to the forest of war manny came with us to wish us luck but since he is the moon or something like he said

" this is it, we've trained and fought with other enemies but the war we had before you all were born is nothing like this....I know we never find peace until you all defeat pitch .... This is not the last war were ever going to have there wil be others pitch did have some allies to get revenge on his behalf of being back to life if you ever see anything that pitch has for example the nightmares always leave a scent where they come from there always one that leads the nightmares to war. Don't kill it keep an eye on it, follow it it might lead you to him. Elsa make use the ultimate howl to call opon sandman to defeat pitch got it." I nodded

'but I nevered use the ultimate howl nor practice how am I sure it'll work' i mind linked manny. I was worried that I will fail and lose against pitch. I tog my tail between my legs , my ears down I was looking down

"Don't worry you will accomplish the howl just believe " and that brought my hopes up . I walked in front of the forest of war I howled saying everybody to charge.

(End of flash back)

I rised my hand Jack got worried that I'll tell on him "yes elsa?" the teacher said with a voice that said this-better-be-good.

" I don't feel good may I go to the nurse?" I said in a dizzy voice so she can let me go. " yes you may" I stood up and walked out of the class room. I looked left and right I couldn't see the night mare I need anna , rap and , meridas help but there busy and can't get out of the class room.

I sniff the air the nightmare went right so I ran to the right still sniffing the air it lead my to the basement door I opened it I closed my eyes and open them agian to get my wolf night vision. The basement was every messy so I had to stop sniffing and looked around

I looked around nothing then I heard a bang on my left side. I turned nothing I heard an evil laugh. I looked around agian I saw him. I shoot some ice that way I missed he came out in another direction then it his agian.

" oh if it isn't the alpha trying to kill me agian" 'ok where is this mother fucker I'm really not in the mood for this'

" well if it isn't the guy that I swear I killed you with sandman by my side" he chuckled like those wierd ones that freak you out like chucky's

" if you haven't notice " his nightmares got me from behind and held me by the neck. I got a chance to see there was blood in the nightmare 'am I bleeding

"I'm more powerful than I was before I'm even more powerful than the dreamer" he stepped out of the shadows. He was now .....well himself but with fangs.

"wow who knew your were ever going to be a sucker I thought you could do better" he growled at me.

"well it's part of the plan to kill the one who killed me." He did his 'famous' evil laugh he snap his fingers nightmares came towards me I was still being held by the neck I closed my eyes ready for the pain but nothing. I oped my eyes and see all the night mares either frozened or dead on the ground. I looked around and see JACK.

"Jack what are you doing here!" I said getting angry and worried that he might have been hurt. Just because I hate him doesn't mean I don't care if he got hurt. " who's Jack?" He looked at me cunfused.


Hey it's me agian sorry for the bad words and for a lot of cunfused words or anything in the story. Next part will be jacks pov.

Wolf-chick out ✌️🐺🌕🌙

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