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Steve's POV
"i have a what?!" i scream at my mom. she just told me that i have a little sister.
"a sister. honey, i'm sorry that i didn't tell you sooner. it's just-"
"just what mom?" i was pissed. how could she not tell me?
"the father of your sister isn't your father." mom said
"w-what? you cheated? is that why you and dad got divorced when i was 4?" i ask. more pissed now.
"y-yes. h-hun-"
"don't even talk to me, i don't want to deal with your bullshit right now mom." i yell. i storm to my room and slam the door so hard that the walls shake.
i open my window and start to sprint to the Curtis' to tell them everything. and as soon as i cool off, i'm getting information from my mom.

i wake up, my eyes heavy and a huge headache pounding in my brain. i sit up on my small lumpy piece of shit bed. i throw my hair up in a messy bun and look around me. i'm in a small closet. i went to an orphanage when i was born. i was adopted at age 6 and was taken to this family that treated me horribly after the mother died. the father became an alcoholic and the son, who used to be my best friend, started saying that she died by suicide because of me. eventually, i couldn't take it anymore and i left. i ran. now i'm squatting in a closet of my shitty public school.

Steve's POV
the only information mom had for me, was the orphanage she used to go to, her name, and the school she would probably be at. i called the orphanage but they said that he got adopted long ago. they didn't know who the family was; her files had been lost in a fire.
i called the school. it was a big public school in north florida. the lady at the desk said that she could send a message. i told her what to write down and she told me she would give y/n the note at school the next day.

my first class of the day is english, the only class i actually like. half way through the class, one of the secretaries at the office comes into the room.
"may i speak to y/n please?" she asks, quietly. a bunch of kids start whispering and going 'oooooh'
"oh shut your traps, kids. and yes you may," the teacher excuses me and started to lecture the kids about not talking unless called on by a teacher.
i stand up and slowly walk over to the woman. i feel like having a panic attack. what if they found out about the closet that i'm sleeping in?
"a message came for you yesterday, y/n. it seems rather urgent." the office lady hands me a note and then walks away.
i unfold the crisp yellow paper that the note is written on.
Hi, y/n
my name is Steve. apparently, i'm your long lost brother. i don't know if you know about me or not, but i just found out about you. our mother cheated on my father with your father and so she gave you to an orphanage, in hope that it would save her marriage. it didn't. they divorced when i was four. but she still kept the secret from me until now. i'm 17 now and i really want you to move to Tulsa, Oklahoma with me. i know it might be asking for a lot because you've been adopted and if you're happy, please stay. but if you ever need somewhere to go, you know where i'll be.

Your brother, Steve

*end of note*

oh my god, i need to go to Tulsa. i need to meet my brother. i may finally have a home that i will love.
to be continued! please don't forget to comment and vote!

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