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Ponyboy finishes the dishes and Dally drags everyone out of the house.
"Where're we going?" I ask.
"To DQ," Dally answers.
"Alright," I say. I walk by Ponyboy. He's the closet to my age and he seems like a real nice guy. You can tell that he's a greaser and a "bad boy" or whatever but you can also tell that he probably wouldn't hurt a fly.
"So," I say. I want to make conversation but I have no idea what to say.
"Um, are you happy you found Steve?"
"Yes. So much. My dad sucked and I'm so glad to get away from that shit of a city."
"That's good. Tulsa is a nice slow down huh?"
"Exactly. But i don't wanna leave. At least not for a while."
"Really? Why not?" Pony asks. He seems confused.
"There's so much here. I mean, yeah there's rivalry bullshit, but if you look past that, this place is amazing."
"How so?" Pony says. Still confused.
"Well i could try to explain it to you but you've lived here your whole life so you probably wouldn't see it," I say.
"C'mon y/n. I bet you i could see it."
"Ok fine. I'm gonna tell you what it would be like to grow old here ok?"
"Okay?" Pony says, confused but he laughs.
"Alright, imagine this. You and your girlfriend are about twenty five. You guys find out that she's pregnant. You're excited. You go to a beautiful place and bring a amazing picnic and have an awesome time. Imagine watching the sunset and just as the sun is about to leave completely, you get down on one knee, and propose to her. She says yes. After the wedding, your baby girl is born. Say when she's five and going to school, on the first day you dress her up in jeans, a leather jacket, a white tee shirt, and a flannel wrapped around her waist just to let everyone know that she's a badass, even if she isn't. Your family has once a week trips to the drive in and you sneak in through the fence just like you do now. Imagine, she dates a Soc when she's older. You allow it because you know it won't last. When he breaks her heart, she comes home crying. You comfort her and then find that Soc and kick his ass. Or tell Dally to do something to him. And the whole gang still being friends even though we would all have families and jobs. Doesn't that sound amazing to you?"
"Wow. I guess so. You put a lot of thought into that didn't ya?" Pony says. You laugh.
"Yeah. It's all I've been thinking about since I got here. I want to forget New York. Everything about it. Ponyboy it was hell. It was hell on earth you have no idea. I lived on the streets half my life because my dad would beat me at home. I have depression but no money for meds so I would drink and smoke to get the damn thoughts out of my head. Ponyboy you have no idea what it was like."
"Not exactly. But I know life sucks."
"I'm sorry."
"For what?" He asks, he sounds genuinely confused.
"I put you in a sad mood and we're supposed to be all happy n shit."
"Y/n, I'm a greaser. I'm rarely all happy and shit."
You smile and Ponyboy puts his arm around you. You know he's your best friend now. But it's not like you have a crush on him or anything, you are just best friends. And that's genuinely true.
After all
You like someone else

Hey guys! I know this is really short and I'm sorry. And I'm also really sorry for the wait. I've been really struggling lately with my depression so I just have zero motivation. THANKS AGAIN FOR 100 READS THOUGH! ILY ALL SO MUCH

Love Lies (Sodapop x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن