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Steve and I are walking to the Curtis house.
"So do you like Sodapop?" Steve asks me.
"What?" I ask.
"Do you like Sodapop? Like so far from what you know?"
"Oh, yeah. He seems like a nice person," I answer.
"That's good. Sodas the best. Want to know some stuff so you can get on the good side of all the members of the gang?" Steve asks me.
"Yes please."
"Okay. So with Dally you just have to be tuff. But you have to let him get what he wants. Dallas Winston always gets what he wants," Steve says. I don't like that. I want to be able to stand up to Dally if I want to. But I don't want yo get on his bad side so I guess I keep my trap shut if I disagree with him.
"Ok, next," I say.
"Darry. Just try to be nice. And don't say anything really rude about Ponyboy or Sodapop okay?"
"Got it."
"Just laugh at Two-Bits jokes. That's all he wants. Oh wait, and don't say anything bad about Mickey Mouse." Steve says.
"How could I? Mickey the best," I say. Steve laughs.
"Pony likes people easily. Just be nice, open. If you like reading then you immediately have an in with him."
"Well I like to read but I'm picky about books. I only like certain books." I answer.
"That's enough. Most of us have hardly read one page of a book if we weren't forced to," Steve replies. I'm happy with that, Pony and I might get along.
"Johnny. Just be nice and kind. He's scared of his own shadow because he's been jumped by a load of douche bag Socs" Steve tells me.
"Socs?" I ask, unsure what the heck that means.
"We're like rival gangs basically. They live on the West Side. West Side Socs. Spoiled rich brats that have everything easy."
"Oh. Okay. And they jump you Greasers?"
"Oh all the time. If you see a blue mustang, run," Steve warms.
"Um. Okay."
"So that's basically all you need to know," Steve says.

Steve and I walk up to the Curtis house not long after. There is a chain fence around it and the house looks a bit beat up, but still cute and cozy. Steve waves his hand and directs for me to follow him. I catch up as Steve swings the door open and yells
"In the kitchen!" I hear a voice say. Steve turns to me.
"C'mon y/n, they're all real nice."

You follow Steve to the kitchen. You see a big group of boys just chilling while one does the dishes.
"Guys. This is my sister, y/n," Steve says. Everyone is silent as they turn to look at me.
"Damn, Steve if you told me that your sister was gonna be so hot-"
"Shut your trap, Dal." Steve says. I slightly blush. Dal - Dally I assume - was cute. I mean, not as cute as Sodapop, but he was cute.
The kid that was doing the dishes turns to me and extends his hand
"I'm Ponyboy," he says. You grab his hand and shake it.
"Y/n." I reply, even though I knew he knew that.
"Darry at work?" Steve asks.
"Yup. Probably thinking about how if Pony doesn't have his homework done, that he'll whoop his ass," a tall brown haired boy says laughing at his own joke. Ponyboy rolls his eyes and most of the boys just don't really react. That must be Two-Bit. "Hey doll. I'm Two-Bit Mathews."
"Hey, y/n"
"No shit, Sherlock" he responds.
"Get off her back, Two." Steve says, clearly annoyed.
"Damn, sorry man just trying to start a conversation," Two-Bit answers.
"Man I'm hungry. Pony c'mon. Hurry up with those dishes I wanna get some food," Dally says. Johnny has been quiet the whole time, he must not be great with meeting new people.

Sorry that this is short! I've been really busy lately between school, sports, friends, and just random things that come up. This chapter was going to be longer but I wanted to post so it's a bit shorter. I will try to post again tomorrow! Sorry again for the wait and for the short chapter!

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