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We all arrived at DQ and Two-Bit started to order. He got 2 large fries and a cheeseburger. Everyone else went through their orders. Ponyboy and I were last.
"I'll have a small fry and a small vanilla cone," I tell the cashier.
"That's all you want?" Pony whispers to you.
"Yeah. Not really hungry."
"Uh, ok."
Ponyboy orders and we all sit at different booths. Me, Pony, and Johnny at one and Dally, Steve and Two at the other. I told steve that he didn't have to sit by me so he said "you sure?" I nodded and he sat by the others.
"Wanna just ask each other random questions?" Ponyboy asks, obviously trying to make conversation.
"Sure," I giggle and Johnny nods his head.
"Besides us, who's your favorite greaser?" Pony asks me.
"Steve." I say. He's my brother, who else would I chose?
"Not him either," Pony laughs.
"Ummm Sodapop for sure. Although everyone else is still really great." I say.
"Oh did you meet Soda at the DX?" Johnny pipes up.
"Yeah. Steve and I went there first."
"Cool." Johnny and Ponyboy say.
"Yeah." I start smiling really big at the thought of soda. I mean, obviously he's really cute, but you can also tell that he has a huge heart.
"Y/n has a crush..." Pony nudges you.
"Shut up." I blush.
"Pony you need to tell her." Johnny says.
"Tell me what?" I look at Ponyboy.
"Uh. Umm" Pony seems lost for words.
"Goddamn you Ponyboy spit it out!" I yell.
"Sodapop has a girlfriend." Pony says really fast. I physically felt my heart drop. I don't even know this Soda kid well and I already like him. How the hell?
"Sorry y/n," Johnny whispers in a comforting voice.
"It's okay. I just met Soda. It's not that big of a deal." I say. Lies? I think so.

We sit in silence until the food comes.
"So, what's her name?" I ask, while slowly eating.
"Sandy." They both say.
"What's she like?"
"She's real nice. Good to soda. And they're in love. At least I know Soda is. Damn that boy loves her-"
"You're not really helpin me out here, Pone."
"Oh right sorry."
I sigh. Thats just great. The guy I like has a girlfriend. And they're in love. Well fuck.
"I'm really sorry Y/n. I know it's hard," Johnny says.
"Thanks. But seriously, I'm okay. I hardly know Soda." I say. Lying again? Oh you know it.
We all finish eating and head back to the Curtis house. When we get there, Soda is home.
"Hey Sodapop."
"Hey y/n/n," he smiles. "Where'd you guys go?"
"Dairy Queen," Ponyboy says. Then I hear the toilet from the bathroom flush.
"Who's here?" Dally asks.
"Sandy," Soda says. "She's been acting really weird lately like-"
Then she walks out of the bathroom and Soda stops talking.
"Oh hi," she says to all of us. Then she turns to Soda. "Can we talk?"
"Um sure," Soda says, he seems nervous. They walk out to the front porch and don't come back until 20 minutes later. Soda comes back inside but sandy isn't there. He walks past us and goes to his room.

"Oh god," Dally says.

Love Lies (Sodapop x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now