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it's been a hot minute since i've updated hasn't it. just wanna apologize for that. been having hella writers block for a LONG time. but here we go.

*all of a sudden, the door swings open*
"Holy shit, Pony." Soda says.
"Soda, what're you doing?" Pone asks, harshly.
"Pony calm down. I got it handled." I say in a reassuring voice.
"Obviously not! Soda has a blade in his hand and blood dripping from his wrist down his shorts!"
"DONT YOU THINK I CAN SEE THAT, PONYBOY? GET OUT!" I scream. Pony is holding back tears and leaves — his brother is suicidal and his best friend just screamed at him. I feel guilty but slam the door behind him anyway.
"T-thanks, y/n," Sodapop whimpers.
"I love you."
I walk over to Sodapop, grab the blade, wash it off, and put it in the sink.
"I love you, too. Now take off your shorts, they're stained and I need to throw them out."
Soda shimmies out of his shorts and runs cold water from the bath over his cut. I throw him a paper towel to dry the wound and I wrap his wrist in bandage strips.
"Sandy is a bitch." Sodapop mutters.
"She is."

Soda and I walk out and go in to him and Pony's room. Pony is sitting on the bed staring at the wall. Soda is in his boxers and a long sleeve shirt and walks over to ponyboy while slipping into some fresh jeans.
"Are you gonna talk now?" Pony spits the words and lights a cigarette.
"Pony," Sodapop sits next to him, "I'm not gonna cut again. I did it once. One scar, one memory, one tear. Don't worry about it. Please. I've got y/n. She knows how to handle this and she will get me through it."
"How the hell does she know?"
"BECAUSE IVE BEEN THERE, PONYBOY!" I shout and roll up one of my sleeves. Pony is silent. I storm out of the room. Sodapop chases after me. He grabs my arm, turns me around, and gives me a hug.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome. Talk to me if you ever, ever need anything."
"I will."

*4 weeks later*
Soda and I have been getting a lot closer. I've been telling him more about my life in the past 4 weeks than I've told anyone else in my whole existence. And damn that boy makes my heart melt. He's still heartbroken from sandy; the dumb bitch who cheated on him, got pregnant, and left him high and dry.
I walk home from school and go straight to the DX; like I do everyday. I'm wearing mom jeans, rolled up to my ankles, a striped white and red crop top, and white high top converse.
"Hey, y/n"
"Hey, Soda. How's work?"
"Better now that you're here."
"Always is."
I laugh and Soda throws me a cigarette. I light it and jump up on the counter. Sodapop doesn't usually smoke but he has been lately. Cancer sticks help with the depression as much as I wish I had a better coping skill, this just works the best.
Soda sits next to me and we laugh and talk for fifteen minutes before his boss comes in and tells him to get back to work in the garage.
"Better get going then" I say.
"Bye, y/n."
"See ya, Soda."

I walk home; no one is there. Moms at work and Steve is with Soda working at the DX. I go up to my room and look at my pencil sharpener on my desk.
Don't even think about it.
I open the window and throw the pencil sharpener outside. I slump into my chair and let out a deep breath. The depression, it's been worse lately. I don't know what's causing it or how to make it stop.

*4 hours later*
I head over to the Curtis boys house and meet Soda and Steve on the walk there. Steve starts running because he's gotta take a shit. Soda and I are just laughing as he gets farther away.
"Spit it out y/n."
"I sorta kinda like you kinda."
"That's good."
"It is?"
"Yeah. Because I sorta kinda sorta like you too."
I smile as Soda links his hand with mine.

Love Lies (Sodapop x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن