chapter seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen.

- calum's point of view -

I had a gut feeling that something was wrong. Luke and Michael had been drifting apart these last few days. And michael didn't come to school today.

He never misses school.

I tried calling him, but it went straight to voicemail. He always answers my calls.

His phone is never dead.

I put in my jacket and grabbed my keys before making my way to his house.


I knocked on the door, hoping Mikey would answer. But his dad did.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Is Michael okay?" I asked.

"How should I know? I don't care about him." He said.

"He's your son!" I said, pushing past him and running up the stairs.

I tried opening his door but it was locked.

"Michael?" I asked, knocking on the door.

No response.


Still no response.


I tried breaking the door but it wouldn't budge.

"What the hell are you doing?" His dad asked.

"Please, please just open the door." I pleaded. He sighed, and ended up kicking the door down.

I looked around his room, trying to find him. It was too silent.

I walked to his bathroom, and I almost screamed.

There were a bottle of empty pills beside him, and his hand two bloody wrists.

"Call an ambulance!" I screamed, sitting him up.

"Mikey." I whispered, tears falling from my eyes.

"You said you wouldn't." I cried, trying to wake him up.

His dad stood in the door way, a year running down his face. "LOOK WHAT YOU DID. HE COULD DIE BECAUSE OF THIS." I screamed at him. "WHY COULDNT YOU JUST HAVE LOVED HIM?"

I washed his wrists, which was very complicated with a limp body.

"The ambulance his out front." He dad said, suddenly very quiet.

The paramedics rushed in, and put him on a gurney. "You called just in time, kid." One of them said. They put him in the ambulance, telling me I could ride with him.

When we arrived at the hospital, they made me wait in the waiting room.

I pulled out my phone, dialing the first person that came to mind.


"A-Ashton?" I asked, the tears still screaming down my face.

"What's wrong?" He asked, frantic.

"Mikey- hospital. I- just please." Was all I could get out.

"I'm on my way, just hang tight, okay?"

"Okay." I whispered.

I felt as though I should call luke. It might be the best option.

But I don't think Mikey would want luke here.

But luke would want to be here. I sighed and dialed his number.

"What's up, cal?"

I sniffled,

"Do you mind coming to the hospital?" I asked.

"What?" He asked, in taking a sharp breath.

"Mikey's in the hospital." I said.

"What happened?" You could hear shuffling in the back ground.

"He tried to kill himself again..." I whispered.

"I'll be there as soon as I can." He said, then the line went dead.

Ashton came in, only ten minutes later. He pulled me into a hug, "he said he wouldn't do it again." I whispered.

"It's okay. Calm down, baby." He whispered.

His voice instantly put my mind at ease. He just had that effect on me.

He sat us down, putting me in his lap.

"Tell me what happened."

"I tried calling him since he didn't come to school, which he always does. He didn't answer his phone, it was dead. And it's never dead. So I went to his house and his dad answered it. Mikey's door was locked, so I tried to open it and I couldn't so I had to get his dad to break it and he was in the bathroom. He took a bottle of pills and cut himself." I mumbled, feeling the tears in my eyes.

"He's okay, cal. He'll be okay."

Twenty minutes later, luke came in wih puffy eyes.

"Is he okay?"

"We don't know." Ashton said.

"what did you two fight about?" I asked. "He said I wasn't paying attention to him. And I was apparently flirting with other people, and it went down hill from there. I honestly don't remember." He said, his voice shaking.

"Just... Michael is really sensitive and he notices the littlest things and he's really self concious. You have to treat him like he's the only person in the world, luke." I explained.

"I know that now. I really can't lose him."

- michael's point of view -

there is only darkness.

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