Interview with Levee_Ayzis

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Hello everyone! I am retardedinpajamas from the Interview section of the KnB Magazine and I am here to interview our very own beloved @Levee_Ayzis – chan! :D so I decided to change the way I edit my interview and  made my words bold and Ayzis’ Italic so you won’t be confused (:


Retardedinpajamas: I'm gonna have to interview you "professionally" (pfft right im still retarded)

 Levee_Ayzis: Alright, I'm gonna be professionally interviewed. So ready~~~ Not really, I'll probably take 20 minutes to answer XD *fb chat*


 Retardedinpajamas: That’s ayt xD So question 1, who what how when why did you start writing? -w- (too many interrogative pronouns)

 Levee_Ayzis: Awwright! So it started when I was like 7 years old. I started writing in Georgian, even though my Georgian was really bad despite it being my first language. I wrote the poems which left my teachers and parents stunned, but later I abandoned that hobby and took up drawing instead, but once I started learning English, I was doing a good job writing essays (however you spell it, I'll correct that xD) and later I started writing to improve my English. Then I discovered wattpad and my addiction to writing started here.

P.s. I only write in English now…


Retardedinpajamas: *had a temporary break because she ran out of questions ten minutes later* - OKAY QUESTION 2, what inspires you to write? (Typical cliche questions right there) 

Levee_Ayzis: Not so long ago I thought that I was inspired by long walks and music, but they only really help to work (I cannot write without music), what really inspires me to write is my own life. I frequently write according to a certain event that occurred to me or someone I know.


Retardedinpajamas: Hohoho "someone" you are inspired all right *goofy grin* Moving on to question 3, how did you discover anime? ouo and was the first anime you watched or loved?

Levee_Ayzis: Oh geez. Even though as every other kid I was watching anime like pokemon or Shaman King without acknowledging that it was anime, I got into it in 2012, when I was 14. It was my *gulps* first boyfriend who got me into it. Honestly, I was so in love with that boy that I watched the whole Bleach (over 360 episodes + movies and OVAs) and from then on, I started discovering more and more awesome shows to watch. Thanks for my anime addiction, asshole (that was to that boy).


Retardedinpajamas: HOLY SHT YOU WATCH SHAMAN KING TOO :D Well then, how did you discover Kuroko No Basuke? And why did you love it? PS. Izuki is mine :^)


So, Kuroko no Basuke, it was my older sister who persuaded me to watch it. We were looking for a good comedy and she really loved the show! I, personally, wasn't interested at first and after watching it, didn't give much of a meaning to it, but when I saw the second season, I truly fell in love. P.s. Izuki was my first KnB love so back off!! >n<


Retardedinpajamas: Ah yes yes, justknbthings that catches your heart <3 so, referring to your ps, aside from Izuki, list top 5 favorite knb characters. :p

Levee_Ayzis: Okay, so, TOP 5!! Izuki Shun, Kagami Taiga, Takao Kazunari, Aida Riko (eat that!), Nijimura Shuzo. These are my baes <3


Retardedinpajamas: NO ARAKI? WELP--On to another cruel question: Izuki or Sugawara? Lol I'm kidding. Of all the knb games, what are your top 3 favorites? >:D

Levee_Ayzis: Okay, so my absolutely the most favourite game ever is Kaijou versus Touou! IT WAS SO INTENSE!!! And Kise bb is (in my opinion) the greatest of the five miracles because he can copy anything, even if for a short while. Number two must be Rakuzan versus Shutoku and the third one is Seirin versus Kirisaki Daichi (is that the school?) ^_^


Retardedinpajamas: Yep it is -w- that shitty school – it hurt my Teppei. So about your knb fanfics, Not my type was successful and now its sequel was posted, and now we have another knb fan fic from you that, apparently, is a Himuro x OC fan fic. What can you say about your newly posted story that's different from your previous knb fanfic? (:

Levee_Ayzis: (Oh my, senpai, you noticed it?) Well, it's COMPLETELY different from my previous KnB fan fics and I think it's going to be really good! It's based on the summer camp I've been to  there will be simply too many to write and I'm already working on it because it's too much fun to write! I was thinking of writing an original story about my camp, but I'd have to put a lot of characters in there and people would get confused, so I thought it'd be the best to make it a KnB fan fiction.

The story is built around Nobue Michiko, she goes to a summer school where there are the brains of Japan all scooped together, but some are not really that clever and you'll see why xD The whole KnB cast is, of course, there with her. She joins a group (house is a group) called "Yosen" whose leader is Masako. Houses are rivals and they compete with each other in every different kind of activity, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, intellectual games and board games, etc. etc.  there will be humour, romance and slice of life in this fan fiction and I think it's going to be one of the best of my works! Sorry for talking too much about this xD I just don't know how to put it all.


Retardedinpajamas: DANG! I'm glad I added it to my library! :D Looking forward to it! Especially my waifu Masako is her leader  :B so 2nd to the last question I guess? will there be a story that you will post in the future that won't be a fan fic? -w-

Levee_Ayzis: Definitely! I'm working on a really serious work, which is called "Killer's diaries" and is about a killer who'd been nicknamed "Celestial Eye" or "Divine" for he's said to be able to see the future. An 18 year old girl, Tohru, is a young detective whose father has been killed by Divine, but the blame for his murder was put upon another person. Tohru disagrees with that and is on the search of her father's killer. By her side she has someone who's always protecting her, the same person who'd been accused of killing her father :3 it's a detective, so it's a real brainstorm to write.. It'll have some fantasy too >w<

Oh and diaries because the killer's crazy and obsessed with the idea that once he dies, he'll become a legend because of his diaries where he writes all of his murders in details. But Tohru is destined to intercept that book and since he's the "Divine", he sees that in a dream and is now on the hunt for Tohru. Tadaaaa


Retardedinpajamas: MYSTERY AND DETECTIVE STORYLINES. FANTASY. AH YES. I'LL BE WAITING FOR THAT AYZIS. Okay last question, the cruelest one, Suga or Izuki?

Levee_Ayzis: DAMN YOU, RED-CHAN. I'd rather grab a sword and commit seppuku right here and right now.


Retardedinpajamas: I see! XD So any words for your fans out there? :D

Levee_Ayzis: Alrighty, dear fans: Thank you for everything, but please, stop being that awesome. Your awesomeness is too much to handle.

And there you have it! an interview from @Levee_Ayzis! :D

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