Worker of the Month

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Hello everyone! Your co-manager here with this month's best worker! ^u^

Congratulations to @DestinyGirlz for becoming worker of the month!

DestinyGirlz is in charge of the Questionnaire and the Contest of the KnB-Magazine, monthly arranging exciting surveys and interesting competitions for our readers.

And if you haven't checked out her works yet, you're missing out a whole lot!

The whole team would like to congratulate her and wish her many other achievements of this kind!

In August, you've chosen her as the best worker, but only some people know what happens behind the scenes. The co-manager would like to add a commentary :

I'm glad to announce Destiny-san as the best worker and I strongly believe that she's deserved it. She's been a great help during the whole month.

Firstly, the articles she's sent were all flawless, perfect grammar, capitalization of letters, I've got nothing to complain about as an editor. Her articles were never overdue either. Such kind of a respectful employee is what we could have only dreamt about.

Besides the work she was originally responsible for, she's done the job of the creative director (since we were missing both). She made banners for the articles and the background for the magazine by herself, letting us sigh in relief in spite of the pinch situation we were caught in by the end of the month.

Once again, we all thank you wholeheartedly! Congratulations and keep up the amazing job!

Please don't forget to vote for the next worker of the month here in the comment section! Thanks!

     Leave the following information in the comments to vote! Please be fair and candid!!!

• Author - Job position (+Job position if he works as a double worker)

• (OPTIONAL) You may also tell us why you like the particular worker.

Votes will no longer be counted after 31st of September!

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