Undiscovered Gems

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This is ShirayukiEru, at your service!

For this month's stories that definitely deserve more attention than they currently have, we have:

Fall Asleep by Loversinparadise

~Slowly, but carefully, she applied on the mascara, her hands trembling in fear of that one minor mistake that could cause everything to go wrong. She couldn't afford to mess up beside him. Grinning gleefully at herself in the mirror, she whirled around to ask Aomine, "I'm pretty now, right?" He nodded, a slight frown on his face but she was too consumed in her own world to take notice.

Everything she did, she did it for him.

30 Days by xxxHikaRukoxxx

~"Find one or you're out of the basketball club." - Mr. Akashi

Kuroko no Basuke Magazine: Issue #2Where stories live. Discover now