Finally Fessing Up

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Hello, minna-san~!! It’s Red_ZeveRin and keyqueen13 here to bring you a fresh new batch of embarrassing moments! But before that….How are you guys doing? It’s already the month of September and I’m sure that classes have started everywhere in the world~ And since that’s the case, I hope you have a good idea of what the question of the 2nd ‘Finally Fessing Up’ section is!

And the question goes… “What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in school?”

Yep! That’s a pretty common question, but everyone here sure has something to tell us about! Let’s have our answers then~:


Lunch time is always everybody’s favorite subject! Unfortunately, we sometimes experience going against the world when we have someplace else to be or something else we want….This is… Japanese Lunch Time Rush! (quote Kagami Taiga here).

From user: summer_romance_

'Um...there are a lot of close calls but I think there's one that by far tops them all. I'm kind of a clumsy person and trying to move through crowded corridors doesn't help with that. It was lunchtime and everyone was headed to the shop to buy some food. I, meanwhile, was headed to the lunchroom. I got caught up in the flow of the crowd and no matter how hard I pushed, I kept being shoved in the opposite direction. I eventually got out but I tripped and my skirt flew up, flashing my underwear to any passer bys. It also didn't help that they were Hello Kitty undies. (^w^) "Here Kitty Kitty" was being yelled at me for weeks following the incident. Not my best moment...'

Red_ZeveRin says: Ooooh my gosh. JAPANESE LUNCH TIME RUSH anybody? Haha! I feel you with the whole ‘us against the world/crowd flow’ thing but the…’Here Kitty Kitty’ thing was…totally embarrassing!! I can’t imagine how that’d be so…awkward yet funny at the same time, but here it is!

keyqueen13 says: Ohmigod, that's terribly hilarious! Sorry, I meant to say terrible but it's just so funny! For me, this would take the cake on cringe stories.


Who started College life this year? I did! Other people did! I’m sure we’re still adjusting to this new environment, especially since our High school friends are off with their own courses… Here we have a College scenario that probably happened to 70% of freshies out there!

From user: yetyoibabe :

‘I wasn't really paying attention and I entered the wrong classroom, I sat there for almost 20mins and didn't even notice the strange faces of the people around me. I only realized I was lost when the teacher didn't call my name. I mean, it was so embarrassing because I even complained when I didn't hear my name. So yeah, HAHAHA you know college, travelling to different departments. It was utterly embarrassing. The next day, some of my classmates teased me for being stupid.’

Red_ZeveRin says: Ohhh…yes, college life. The first days of it are always the most nerve-wrecking ones! We’re both nervous and excited that our stupidity gets the hold of us first! And yes, I did enter the wrong classroom once, but…yeah. Don’t worry! Get back at them!! Somehow…hehehe

keyqueen13 says: Haha XD that's so awkward! But I know that lost feeling. I kept getting lost in my first year of school as well XD


Memories may be short, but they are filled with all sorts of emotions! How will you react to this?

From users swordolight and JilyPotterOblivion.


‘The most embarrassing thing that happened to me was when I tripped (I'm such a clutz) almost straight into the teacher.’

Red_ZeveRin says: Short but…creepy! But it depends on the Sensei you’re tripping to! Unless he’s the young, charming, bishounen sensei (what-) then it’s fine. Well…if he doesn’t lower your grades that is. :)

Keyqueen13 says: Clutzes forever! *high five*


'I would say that my most embarrassing moment is when I thought that dinosaurs didn't exist because I got them mixed up with dragons'

Red_ZeveRin says: ... I have no words.

keyqueen13 says: Ding ding ding! We have a winner! XD


Now, onto the answers from yours truly~


'Well, so far I still haven’t had an embarrassing moment in College, so I’ll give one from my beloved High school days. We were playing Tag during P.E. class and I wanted to prove to the guys that I can outrun them, so the catcher was heading for me and I went full speed ahead. Unfortunately, I couldn’t stop myself from running and I ended up hitting the wire fence!! Everyone laughed like hell and I got caught. :P'

Keyqueen13 says: *raises hand* I've done that too. I ran into the rope supporting the backstop XD 



Alright, I had this habit of singing everywhere when I was a kid. It was kind of weird but anyway. One day in 3rd class my teacher let me go to the bathroom and I started singing in there. I can't even remember what I was singing. Bit when I came out, the whole class was quiet and my teacher said "We all know you have a lovely singing voice but we don't need to hear it during class" and everyone burst out laughing. Cringe worthy.

Red_ZeveRin says: Oh gosh! I can’t stop laughing! So sorry Partner-san, but this is priceless! Thumbs up to the teacher!! A-ahem…ehehehe, sorry! xD


So there you have it, minna-san!! I hope those answers gave you the feels! Haha!

And don’t forget to comment in the user who gave you a good laugh for this chapter!

Last month's winner was ... Drum roll ... Puripuriko and ChibiTIGERdesu! It was a tie! So congratulations guys, you get two new followers and votes on all your stories ^^

Till next issue!


~Red_ZeveRin & keyqueen13

Kuroko no Basuke Magazine: Issue #2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz