One-Shot : Ice Cream

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Ice Cream by ShirayukiEru

He was pissed.

The poker-faced Himuro Tatsuya was pissed because of you.

He watched you as you talked to the purple-haired giant with a smile, waving your hands animatedly.  The tower-like Murasakibara talked more than he usually did as he munched on his melon bread, and his lazy gaze held more emotion than usual. He was aware you were one of the girls his lazy sweets-eating could get along with, and for some reason, he didn't like it. Though the only conversation topic the two of you could actually agree on was sweets and junk food, that wasn't enough to keep him from getting annoyed. There were times when he actually heard the two of you talk about some other subjects other than food.

Sure, he might have left your little confession for him unanswered for days, but deep inside his mind, he knew you should be loyal to only him. Confessing meant that your heart belonged to him. So why were you being so friendly with his friend?! It didn't make any sense. Unless... He shook the thought out of his head. You couldn't possibly fall for Murasakibara instead; he knew he was definitely more boyfriend-material than the purple-haired glutton. 

He finished arranging his things and slung his sports bag over his shoulder, his eyes still locked on the scene of you and his friend talking all-smiles in front of the basketball court's entrance. He was about to trudge towards the two of you with a small indifferent smile on his face and maybe keep you from getting closer to him until Murasakibara bent over towards you and placed his melon bread in front of you to let you take a bite into it too.

Oh no, you don't.


You were about to take a bite into your friend's sweet and delicious-looking melon bread (which he already bit into, but you didn't mind) when your hand was caught in a masculine's hand's grasp and you were suddenly towed away from the tall purple-haired dude. With a puzzled but lazy expression on his face, he only watched you be pulled away. 

You looked at the hand's owner and saw him slightly facing you and Murasakibara, his black hair covering one of his captivating eyes. To your surprise and your heart's excitement, it was him, the person you confessed to days ago (who, apparently, wasn't able to give a proper reply yet but you were completely fine with waiting for it). He was slightly smiling, but it seemed forced; his eyebrows were obviously trying their best not to furrow. He even grabbed your hand all of a sudden and forcefully pulled you away. You rarely saw him in this state, and it intrigued you to the reason why he was acting this way. He was usually calm, cool, and collected. Expressionless, even. 

"We're going ahead and getting some ice cream, Murasakibara. See you tomorrow!" he said nonchalantly before quickly pulling you away from the school premises and not letting the other male reply. The mention of 'ice cream' dispelled your worries and made you immediately excited with your and the person you like's unscheduled date. It was just the two of you, so that'll make it a date, right? 

The two of you stopped in front of a nearby convenience store; he didn't speak for the whole time the two of you were on the way. You also didn't get to say anything; the surprise of him holding your hand and your heart's loud thumping already set your mind in chaos to even think of suitable conversation topic for the situation.

"Wait here," he muttered before letting go of your hand and going into the store alone, much to your dismay. You wanted to hold his hand a little longer; you liked the feeling and the warmth of his slightly larger hand in yours. Though it set your heart racing, you also liked the feeling of being closer to him than usual. 

With a sigh, you sat down on the wooden bench in front of the store to wait for him and think of a possible reason why he was acting in such a strange and different way.

Kuroko no Basuke Magazine: Issue #2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat