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Kunnichiwa minna-san! I'm summer_romance_, the new staff member for this magazine and this is the Favourites section!

I'm kind of new to Wattpad so I haven't read many stories yet, but one of my favourite KnB fics has to be The Only One  by black-talia-rose.

The Only One is about a girl called Fujioka Haruka. She's one of the reasons I like the story so much. She's a strong, female protagonist but appears to be withdrawn from her classmates. She's very loyal to her friends and, judging by the first main event in the story, she even holds grudges for them.

Once you start reading the book, it's obvious that Haruka is paired with Akashi which I love because they're so different yet so similar. He likes to have people to order around while she doesn't take any crap from anyone. But, even with their differences, I think they are perfect for each other.

Another thing I love about this story is how the author captured Akashi. I'd swear on my memories of all anime that there is nothing OOC about him in this story. He's perfectly portrayed in a way that will satisfy any Seijuro fan. I'm sure there will have to be a little OOC added so the romance element in the story can come into play but it won't even matter because Akashi is perfect the rest of the time.

I know this story hasn't come very far yet with only 3 chapters, but I see a huge future for it. It's so well written and the plot has so much potential that there's no way it won't become popular among KnB and Akashi fangirls.

Another story I loved was SHE'S/I'M DIFFERENT (Kuroko no basuke fanfic) by Trufflerabbit13.

It's main character is Koyuki Kuroko, the magenta haired cousin of the GoM's Phantom Sixth Man. Like Kuroko, she has the ability to mask her presence but also has the stats of Kagami. 

She's so good at basketball, she got an offer to play in the WNBA but turned it down because she had to move to Japan. One more thing, she's popular with the boys.

I really like this story because it's well written. The POV does change a lot and it's a little annoying but the story makes up for that.

It's set just before the Winter Cup and only Kise has been beaten so far. By both Seirin and Yuki. About 132 times, according to Kise XD

I only started this story but I adore it so far and with 40 chapters in an unfinished story, I have a lot to look forward to.


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