Enji Todoroki: New Beginnings

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*This chapter involves mentions of abuse, near death, and some spoilers so please be cautious when proceeding* *This is also not a romantic one, you're his old friend or some shit*

     I knew Enji since our days at U.A. I went to his wedding, met his kids and wife, and knew most of his darker secrets that would most likely ruin him if anyone else knew. That being said, I also knew of the abusive behavior he dished out to his family.


     "Todoroki Enji, you look at me right. The fuck. Now!" I screamed. He whipped around, glaring at my much smaller form. "What do you want?!" I glared, activated my quirk and made myself levitate to around his height. "What the actual fuck is wrong with you, Enji? Your youngest is crumpled on the floor of his bedroom crying and borderline dehydrated! Are you overworking your son?!" He grunted. "I'm training him to be the best! Even better than All Might! I'm not going to let anything stand in the way!"

     That was the last straw. "YOU ARE DESTROYING YOUR FAMILY OVER A FOOLISH DESIRE TO BE BETTER THAN A COLLEGUE? OVER A STUPID, ONE-SIDED RIVALRY?" Rocks, debris and several other large objects were floating around me, shaking as if they were about to attack. "HOW DARE YOU ENDANGER, RUIN AND SEND YOUR WIFE, YOUR FUCKING WIFE, ENJI! TO INSANITY?" He seemed to be ignoring me, so I let myself float back down, dropping everything else that I had sucked into the area that my energy was circulating.

     "Fine. Once you understand where you are at fault, then you can come talk to me. Until then, you can fuck right off outta my life." I turned and stormed out, not looking back to see the aftermath.

-Flashback End-

     That was a little under 10 years ago and I haven't really talked to Enji since then. I kept in touch with the rest of the family, however, save for Enji and the oldest son. I visited Rei often in the hospital, and a few times I've run into Shouto. As much as I wanted to ask about his father, I knew it would probably be a sore subject and so I kept it to myself. Other than that, not much happened, until one night, while I was watching the news, Enji appeared in all his flaming glory fighting a creature that they called "Nomu". I was sitting with Shouto in the dorms when this happened. I saw his father nearly get killed, only to appear once again, injured, but alive. Shouto looked about ready to faint, and I kneeled by his side, hand on his back in silent comfort as he sighed in relief.

     It's been a few weeks since then, but today was the first day I got a call from Enji after so many years. "This is (name), how may I-" His voice sounded on the other line, "It's Enji...I've called to...apologize." He sounded confused, lost, extremely unsure of himself, but most of all, he sounded guilty. I coughed slightly to clear my throat. "Enji, it's been so long...I saw your fight on TV, how are you doing?" I was concerned, but I was also curious. "(name), I'm so sorry. You were right, all those years ago. I fucked up big time with my family, didn't I?" I snorted. "Yeah, you could say that. So, what's up with the phone call?" The line went silent for a while before he responded. "I called to...to try to make amends. I fucked up, I will admit. And I was completely in the wrong with everything that happened with my family. I feel guilty and terrible and can only pray that they forgive me even just a little, but I'm...I'm confused. I have no clue how to....ahh..."

     He trailed off trying to complete his train of thought. "Enji, listen to me you doofus. Since you've already admitted you were at fault, that's a good step in the right direction. Next is to make up for everything that has happened. Not only to your family, but also to your colleagues, friends, and maybe, even if you don't like the circumstance that made you the Number One Hero, talk to All Might and maybe either get advice, listen to what he has to say, or at the very least, apologize to him as well, okay? And, one more thing, you should come over for dinner some time with your family, and that includes Rei, if you can get them to relent for a few hours." I heard him chuckle on the other end. "You always seem to know what to say..." I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Of course I do, I've known you and your family for fucking ever, so get your shit straightened out, talk to your kids and acknowledge them, make amends with your wife and call me or text me when you need help or if you want to make up for lost time cause it's been ten years since we last got to hang out without fighting each other." He laughed, kind of in a bittersweet way, apologized, and hung up, thanking me as he did. It looked like new beginnings were better late than never.

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