Older!Kirirshima x Reader: New Years Celebration

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     Katsuki always held the New Years party every year, inviting almost everyone from class 1A plus whoever his classmates come or drag with them. Kirishima was always excited around this time of year and asked you, as always, to go with him as his plus one. "Eijirou, honey, at this point in time, if I don't go to Katsuki's party with you, they'd assume I'm either sick or dead," you joked lightly with him. Kirishima leaned down and placed a little kiss to your cheek, grinning ear to ear. "I wonder what Katsuki's gonna do this year?" You thought on it, stifling your laughter before saying, "What if he propels himself into the sky and uses his loud voice, you know the one he used to use literally everyday at UA, and screams "Happy New Year" into the night." You held back you laughter as you stared at Kirishima, blank faced before you both burst out in laughter. "That would be gold!" Kirishima wheezed in laughter.
     "Shit, speaking of the party, we need to get ready so we can get there on time, Eiji." You rushed into your shared bathroom and quickly finished your makeup, did your hair, and stepped into your dress. "Ah...Eiji, hon, can you help zip up my dress?" Warm hands soon touched your shoulders, alerting you that Kirishima was behind you. He gently zipped up your dress, careful to not let it catch on the fabric that often flopped over in the way. "Are you ready to...go?" You turned and stared at your boyfriend in shock. He was wearing a beautiful tux you hadn't seen before, red accents incorporated throughout the outfit. "Wow... you look like you're going to a red carpet event!" He chuckled. "Going to Katsuki's New Years parties might as well be a red carpet event." You both laughed a little more before you both headed out his party.
     Katsuki's penthouse was massive, clearly showing that he was most likely a pro hero or some other type of celebrity. However, as the majority of the other former students also are pro heroes, they also have either penthouses or some other type of massive house. When you and Kirishima walked into his house, you were treated enthusiastically by everyone else who was already there. Katsuki walked up to the both of you and also greeted you. "Glad you could make it. I hope Shitty Hair isn't too much of a handful?" You all laughed, Kirishima included. "Good to see you too, Katsubro." Katsuki cringed at the name. "Fair enough, I deserved that."
     Getting into the party mood was easy, seeing as everyone else had some type of alcoholic drink in their hand or were happily chatting with each other. Gently patting Kirishima on the arm, you let him know you were going to the bar. You ordered a mimosa and sipped at it, looking around for Kirishima. Time flew by pretty quickly, everyone chatting and giving life updates, a few minor pranks were successfully executed by Sero, and, like every year, Kaminari allowed a few of party goers charge their phone on him. Before long, the sixty second countdown started. Everyone excitedly ran to their partners and followed Katsuki to the roof of his penthouse. The view of the ball was clear and stunning. Couples huddled together, excitedly watching the countdown get close to 10.
     At 10 second, everyone started yelling out the numbers. You cringed onto Eijirou, yelling out the numbers with him. "10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Happy New Year!" You faced Kirishima and pulled him down to your level,  the both of you kissing enthusiastically as the other couples did the same. It always felt like you two were the only ones in the world at this moment. "Happy new year, Eijirou, I love you." He pecked your lips once more. "I love you too, (Y/N). Happy new year."

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