Todoroki Shouto x Reader: Sleepover Fun

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You had known Shouto for a while; you knew about his resentment towards his father's past actions and you knew about his mother and siblings. You knew about everything he's been through. You weren't surprised to see Shouto and his older brother standing on your doorstep at 8pm.
You let them in without question and sat them jn the living room, quickly bring out some tea. "What happened," was all you asked. Natsuo, Shouto's older brother, answered, "Our old man was being a bit of a dick once again, and Shouto was gonna come over here anyways, so I drove him here." You nodded in understanding. "That's fine. Shouto and I don't have school tomorrow so he can spend the night, but where are you gonna go Natsuo-san?"
He waved it off as if to say 'I'll be fine'. "I'm still a little pissed, I'm gonna ride around for a bit. Enjoy your sleepover." With that, he left. Shouto had been quiet since he got here, so you gently nudged him. "Shouto? You okay?" He sighed heavily and nodded. "Yeah. Dad is still...getting used to being a better dad so I can't hold it against him. He just isn't the best with words I guess." You hummed softly, wrapping an arm around him and hugged him close.
"Well, since you're having a sleepover, let's have some fun!" You got up and ran into your bedroom, grabbing a few board games and card games and ran back in. "Okay, I have Cards Against Humanity, The Game of Life, and Scrabble. I also have Mario Kart if you prefer video games." Shouto looked over the games and pointed at Cards Against Humanity. "Dark humor is fun, let's do that."
You laughed and opened the box. "Alright, alright. You know the rules. Lemme get my brother in here so we can play." After dragging your brother and his friend into the room, you all played around 10 rounds before your brother declared he was finished and went back to his room with his friend. You rolled your eyes and counted up everyone's cards. "Congrats, Shouto! You won the game."
Shouto was visibly calmer and more relaxed than when he arrived and laughed. You sat in comfortable silence for a while, enjoying the now relaxing atmosphere. "Hey, Shou, wanna bake some cookies?" Without answering, he scooped you up and started walking towards the kitchen.
You wheezed with laughter and had to tap him so you could properly catch your breath. "Y-You really want cookies, huh Shouto?" You laughed some more, sending Shouto into a fit of giggles, before he said, "(Y/n), do-do you remember the scene phases from like 2012 where there were all those fucking pictures of semi-creepy blobs?" You laughed hardered and wheezed out, "I baked you a cookie but i eated it..."
Apparently your brother heard, because soon your whole house was ringing with laughter. You and Shouto were curled up on the ground laughing while your brother was dying of laughter on his bed. After the laughing fit calmed down, you began baking. Your parents had picked up extra snacks for you all, so all you had to do was place the premade cookie dough on the pan and bake.
While they baked, you and Shouto decided to watch some anime on the couch. You both decided on a comedy one, seeing as you wanted this to be a carefree, fun little sleepover. As soon as the credits started rolling, you all were ambushed. Pillows smacked the back of your head and one pillow was flung at Shouto's face. "Oh, its on!"
You tossed Shouto a pillow, getting into position with him and let out a war cry, signaling the beginning of the pillow war. Shouto got your brother several times and you focused on getting your brother's friend. The four of you fought hard, tossing pillows hard and smacking them down, and no one relented until you all fell to the floor exhausted.
By the time you all had finished, it was 2am. That's when you remembered. "Oh shit, the cookies!" Your brother forced you to stay down. "I took them out before we attacked, chill." That didn't stop you from hauling Shouto to his feet and getting a plate of cookies with him.
After you all snacked on cookies, it was decided that you all were going to sleep in the living room. Your brother fell asleeep first, followed by his friend. "Hey, Shouto..." He looked over to you and you planted a soft kiss to his lips. "I hope you enjoyed yourself tonight." He smiled, carefully reaching and holding your hand. "I did...thank you. And
...(Y/N)?" You hummed softly in response. "I...I love you, really. Thank you." You blushed, scooting closer to him and pecked his lips again. "I love you too, Shou. Let's get some sleep."

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