Older!Kaminari Denki x Reader: Date Night

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The sun had started setting an hour ago, which means Denki was supposed to be here with you an hour ago as well. You didn't hold it against him, though. You've been dating Denki for about four years now and you know how he sometimes gets nervous or freaks out over what to wear. True to your thoughts, a mass of yellow hair and little sparks of lightning trailing behind him. "Babe! I'm so sorry I'm late! I-I couldn't figure out what to wear..." You laughed softly, pecking his cheek. You felt little jolts of static electricity shock your lips, but at this point, you were very used to it.

"It's okay Denki, I promise. I figured you were having troubles after the five-minute mark." Denki ducked his head in embarrassment, a bright red blush adorning his cheeks. With another laugh, you wrapped your arms around him and peppered his face in kisses. "Denki, baby~ what do you have planned for us this date?" He perked up at the underlying excitement in your voice, puffed out his chest and gently grasped your hand. Without a word, only a large grin on his face, he leads you to a newer cafe that just opened a few months ago. You had been begging him to take you or at least go with you, but he kept turning you down and prevented you from going as well, and now you knew why.

You gasped, looking around the cafe and taking in the calming atmosphere. "Denki, oh my god, this is beautiful! Thank you for bringing me!" He leaned down, making sure that no one was watching, and lightly kissed your lips. "Happy four year anniversary, baby." Denki paid for your drinks and snacks, and once you all were done, he took your hand again and led you to another spot. The front gates of U.A. to be exact. You tilted your head slightly and looked at him questioningly. He smiled and looked up at the building. "(Y/N), do you remember when we first met?" You scrunched up your face in concentration, then laughed. "Oh yeah! It was during the sports festival after your fight with Ibara-san. You short-circuited again and I was the healer in training with Granny!"

He chuckled at the memory while you clutched onto his arm. "I remember when you came into the infirmary, my first thought was 'wow, he's really cute, even if he looks a little fried'. You were such a cute boy, Denki!" You pecked his cheek and nuzzled into him. "And now look at you, you're all grown up and a pro-hero now!" He smiled. "Yeah, but luckily, the crime rates have gone down slightly, so the workload isn't as bad. Besides, I think your glow up was a major one. Look at you!" He gestured to your entire being. "You're so hot! I mean, you were always hot, but now you're on goddess status!" It was your turn to blush now, face blooming in a soft pink color. "Come on, I have one more place to take you."

He grasped your hand once more, taking you to a park. He kept walking past the usual picnic spots until he reached a gazebo area near a small pond. "Denki! A shooting star, quick make a wish!" You shut your eyes tightly, thinking hard and making a wish. In that time, Denki got on his knee and pulled out a small black box. He was nervous, as most people usually are during this time, and waited anxiously until you opened your eyes. You gasped, covering your mouth in shock. Shortly after, tears welled up and threatened to spill. "I know, this was super cliche, but I thought it would be best, especially since I am well known for being a cheesy dork. At least to you..."

Denki paused and looked for clues on how you felt. "We've been together for 4 years now, and I really don't want to lose you, so I talked with some friends, Mina helped a lot... (Y/N), will you marry me?" Tears streamed down your face, a bright smile gracing your face and you nodded, not trusting your voice for a moment. "Yes! Denki, yes I will!" Your now fiancee slipped the diamond ring onto your finger and wrapped his arms around you. You couldn't be happier.

***I'm sorry for the shit ending, I don't know how to wrap up stories apparently***

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