Older! Sero Hanta x Reader: Pillow Talk

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     You hadn't seen each other in weeks due to Sero having to go out of the country to some meeting, but it was just hours before you get to see him again. You were full of anxious energy that had no way of releasing until you had Sero in your arms again. You waited patiently at your shared house, cleaning things twice over and busying yourself by doing small tasks like the laundry or folding the blankets again. He wasn't due home for another 3 hours, you assumed, but when the front door opened and you heard him call out to you, you jumped up and ran for him. "Hanta! You little shit! You told me you would be another 3 hours, what are you doing here 3 hours early?!" He chuckled and wrapped his arms around you, kissing you several times. His luggage was neatly placed by the front door and you grinned. "Hanta, baby, I missed you so fucking much, you have no idea." Sero leaned down once again to kiss you and mumbled against your lips, "Is it about as much as I missed you?" He kept you in his arms, but bent down a little more to get leverage on you to pick you up and over his shoulder, marching you two to the bedroom.
     A few hours later and a handful of rounds of sex, you two are laying down curled up with each other in very loose, very baggy clothes. "Did you purposefully not tell me you were coming home early to surprise me?" Sero grinned and pressed a kiss to the back of your hand. "Of course. I needed to surprise you somehow, especially since I didn't have time to stop and get you a present." Your heart swelled at his words. "Baby, I wasn't even thinking of presents. How did I get so lucky to get such a sweet, handsome, sexy guy like you?" You curled up into him and pressed a series of kisses across his collarbone. "I will admit, though, you coming home 3 hours early was an amazing present. I'd much rather have you here early." Hanta knew you weren't very materialistic, but he still liked to spoil you sometimes.
     "You know I love to spoil you rotten, baby." A comfortable silence fell over you both and you just stayed curled up with him, gently caressing his hands while he pressed little kisses to the top of your head whenever he felt the need to. "Hanta...? Do you ever think of what might happen to us in the future?" He repositioned himself so he could look at you. "What do you mean? Like marriage?" You shrugged. "Something like that. It doesn't help that I'm hopelessly in love with you and have been since the end of first year." He chuckled softly. "Do you remember when we got caught by Kaminari?" You groaned. "Oh my god, that was both hilarious and embarrassing at the same time. It looked like he short circuited before Bakugou had to drag him away from the door." Sero laughed. "You could see the blush on Bakugou's face, too. I think that was the highlight of that event." You laughed with him.
     "Do you remember when Kirishima got secondhand embarrassment from seeing us under the stairs making out?" Sero wheezed out a laugh and secured his arms around you a little tighter. "Oh my god, he got so embarrassed, he accidentally activated his quirk." You both reminisced about funny, dumb shit that happened in high school for a while, but as it got later in the night, the more emotional it got. "Do you remember when I thought you died?" You grimaced at the memory. "I only vaguely remember. I remember a villain had gotten into the school and everyone was fighting, but then I can't remember what happens." Sero pressed a firm kiss you The now faded scar that runs across your temple to your neck. "One of them managed to swing his...sword? I dunno what it was, it happened so fast, but as soon as it hit you, you dropped. I was so fucking scared I had lost you." Tears welled up in his eyes and you kissed them away. "I couldn't leave you then, I still have several years to take care of you." He grinned a bit, pecking your lips softly.
     "You better stay around for more than several years. You know I can't function well without you." You laughed and kissed his jaw. "Is that an invitational marry you, Hanta?" Without you noticing, he reached and pulled out a small black box with a beautiful diamond ring in it. He opened it and showed you it, grinning through near tears and said, "Only if you say yes." You were stunned and kept glancing back and forth between Sero and the ring, tears falling freely as you buried your head into his shoulder and cried 'yes!'. Sero managed to slide the ring right onto your finger and you pulled back slightly to admire it. You sniffled and mumbled out, "You really do spoil me, baby." Sero kissed you softly, rubbing your hips gently. "If I don't spoil you, who else is going to show you how much you deserve?" You kissed him deeply, staying like that for a while before your happy tears turned into childlike excitement. "Who are we gonna tell first?" Seeing as it was late, you couldn't really tell anyone yet, but you did call you parents who were still up playing poker. All in all, a wonderful surprise and an amazing welcome home.

Boku no Hero Academia One Shots and HeadcanonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora