Kaminari Denki x Reader: Calming

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     It was early, too early for anyone to be fully awake, yet here you are sitting in the common room with a cup of coffee in your hand. Rain pattered against the window and relaxed your tense muscles as you watched the rain hit the window, followed by little flashes of lightning. You chuckled to yourself quietly, thinking of how the lightning reminded you of Kaminari's quirk. You let out a small sign, curling up into the couch you were seated on and sipped at your coffee. Before long, however, you heard footsteps. You looked in the direction of the steps, expecting to see a disgruntled Aizawa, but instead saw Kaminari dressed in an oversized black t shirt and baggy grey sweats. "Kaminari? What are you doing up?"
     He let out a yawn and tried to rub the sleep from his eyes. "I should be asking you that, (Y/N), why are you up so early on a weekend?" You smiled softly at the boy and nodded your head towards the window. "I like watching storms roll in. They calm me down." Kaminari sluggishly walked over to the couch you were on and sat next to you, staring at the sky for a while before nodding. "I can see how it would be relaxing..." You gently nudged his ribs and grinned. "You still haven't told me why you're up so early." Kaminari sheepishly revealed a book, rubbing the back of his neck as he spoke. "Sometimes, if I can't sleep, I'll come in here and read until the others start waking up." You looked down at the book and your eyes widened. "Edgar Allen Poe? I didn't know you liked poetry, let alone American poetry." He laughed and opened it, revealing it was still written in Japanese. "Luckily they print these bad boys in Japanese too, so it's easier to read. His work is super interesting though, a good read."
     You had totally forgotten that one of Kaminari's interests was reading. It was surprising, considering his midterm ranking, but appreciated his interest nonetheless. "Kaminari, I'm just really curious, but how come you didn't do too well in midterms? You clearly show that you have an interest in literature and other areas similar." Kaminari blushed a dark red and used his book to cover part of his face. "I...get a little anxious when taking tests and class is kinda boring, so I end up accidentally zoning out..." You nodded in understanding and scooted closer to him. "If it's not too much trouble, would it be cool if I read with you? I've always wanted to read Edgar Allen Poe's stories and poetry." Despite the full body blush Kaminari was sporting, he nodded, opening the book and sitting it between the two of you so you both had access to it. After a few jokes were made here and there, the two of you fell into a comfortable silence, just reading and relaxing. Before long, however, you laid your head on Kaminari's shoulder and fell asleep. As cliche as it sounds, it happened, and Kaminari was having an internal breakdown of what to do, but opted to stay as still as he could and continue reading. Sleep soon took him as well, and he leaned his head on yours, falling asleep right with you.
     What woke the both of you up was not Aizawa reprimanding you, but the yell of surprise from Mineta, Sero, and Mina. When you jostled awake, you looked around and groaned. How long had it been since you both fell asleep? "Get it Kami!" Kaminari looked at Mineta confused and still very out of it. "What? What are you talking about, dude?" Everyone close by pointed at you, and the realization of the majority of the class seeing you both asleep with a book between you hit him like a freight train. "Kaminari was showing me a book his was reading and let me read it with him, asshole. I fell asleep part way through cause I had gotten up at 4am to watch the storm." Mineta, of course, ignored you and continued to badger a flustered Kaminari about 'all the details'. You sighed and shook your head, gently nudging Kaminari so you could stand and stretch.
     "Hey, whenever you come out here to read again, let me know so I can read with you, okay?" Kaminari nodded dumbly, and blushed even harder when you wrote your number on his hand. "Thanks for letting me read with you, Kami." You leaned down and kissed his cheek, mostly to fluster him, and walked back to your dorm room while the rest of the common room erupted into chaos. 'Kaminari really is calming to be around when he's reading...'

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