Second Impressions

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'Hey dipshits.' I slowly enter the maddening cell, as Bucky looks up at the scene, obviously telling the other two something.
'What did they ask you about?' Oliver prayed, looking up at his ceiling whilst I answer.
'HYDRA, mainly.' He looked at me, and saw my contacts out.
'Oh my god, y/n, what did they do, your contacts.'
'Nothing, it's okay, Oliver. They know about the past.' His eyes widen, as he worriedly asks.
'Who's they?' Everyone who could watch was glued to us, hanging on to every word.
'As in them.' I gesture to the men who were huddled in the corner talking.
'It's fine though, you know Iron-Arm?' Oliver nods suspiciously.
'He's the Winter Soldier.' All of us 4 in our cells felt our hearts drop.
'As in, the guy that gave you...' she pointed to my eyes. I bite my tongue and nod. In the corner of my eyes, I see Bucky with his hands over his mouth.
'Wait, he gave you those?' Damien repeated. I stare at the ground and nod. Oliver was glaring at the 3 men, his eyes seething with rage.
'He's just like me though.' I speak up, smiling weakly. 'He managed to escape as well. If anything we should trust him the most.'
Oliver looked at me, the brotherly concern returning to his eyes, as he tiredly ran his fingers through his hair.
'If you say so, y/n.' Sinking against the wall, I attempt to lighten the mood
'Hey Ash?' I call out, eyes closed 'Weren't you telling me about your dream?' I can almost feel her face light up. She talks about her dreams of where she saw fields among fields of flowers. I nod and agree with her, just glad to be able to at least pretend to be normal.

The door slides open, and the 3 men who had left their spot for the past two days awkwardly speak to us. It was the first time we had seen someone other than ourselves in the now sickening room in 2 days.
'We've decided, that you guys are fine. You'll be living under our supervision, and here in the tower.' I bluntly ask,
'So you're adopting us?'
'No, we're not adopting you. We're training you.' Stark replies.
Our little team all turn to each other. Eyes darting from person to person, we all do the nod of confirmation. And all say in unison.

Glued to each other, they show us around the tower.
'This is Natasha, this is Clint, and this is Peter.'
We all giggle at the nickname I stumbled out on a mission once. Stark continues, pretending that he didn't hear us giggle.
'You four will be sharing a room with Peter.' Peter heard his name, and came jogging over.
'Yeah, Mr. Stark?' His chocolate eyes glossed over the 3 men, when he saw us 4. Peter's eyes shot from Stark's to Oliver's.
'Peter this is... introduce yourself?'
'Name's Oliver, I lead these bunch of dumbasses.' Damien raises his finger in protest, before introducing himself.
'I'm called Damien, and I actually keep these dumbasses alive by not letting them get themselves thrown in jail.' Ashley rolls her eyes, before speaking.
'My names Ashley, I bail these dumbasses out when they're going to die, which is more often than you may think.' All eight pairs of eyes turn to me.
'My names y/n, and I'm the youngest out of them all, but I would definitely kill someone for these dumbasses, but I'd would certainly win a fight with them.' Damien shoots me a glare before saying.
'That is not true.'
'Really? Training session - July 3rd, 15:41pm, I kicked your ass, popsicle.' All of the Avengers turn to watch our bicker, amused and giggling at our competitive discussion.
'That was one time!'
'I still won though!'
'Yeah? Let's go now, let's go!'
'Ok then le-!' I was cut off by a facepalming Ashley.
'They do this a lot.' Stark smirks at us, before exchanging I told you so glances with Steve. We all chorused in our contrasting voices.
'Nice to meet you, Peter.'
He awkwardly laughed, and stuttered.
'H-Hey everyone...'. He waved to us, when his chocolate button eyes got caught on mine. He freezes almost, and then goes back.

Steve whispers something to Bucky, and they both glance at all of us. It doesn't matter how similar our pasts were, I still can't trust them. Ashley steps over to me, her hands fiddling with her sleeves.
'Hey, M.'
'Hey Ash.'
'Listen, I've got a bad feeling about some of these people.' I gulped as she took a pause.
'Which ones do you get the sense about?' I asked, not sure if I actually wanted to know.
'Barnes, Rodgers and Stark, pretty much all of them. They just seem to be constantly planning. And I just can't get in to most of their heads, it's almost like something's blocking me from them.' She admits, muttering in my ear.
'Ash, if you get the sense, tap your foot kinda loud, three times.'
Nodding slowly, Stark continues.
'This is the lab, but I think you guys already know that.' He coughs.
'Yeah, we know this entire place like the back of our palm. We've broken in here before last night, you know.' Oliver admits, his eyes flickering with distaste. Stark glares at him, the silence thick and hateful. Stark mouthed something to Steve. Ashley started tapping her foot madly, causing everyone to stare.
'Oh, uh.. Allergies.' She excused, before she winked at me.I felt a sudden weight in my pocket, and I felt a flat disk.
A bug.
Subtly, I threw the metal disk near them. Over our ear-pieces, their conversation started.
'-on't get why we're treating them like prisoners, they're just kids.'
'I'm sorry, Barnes, I know you want to 'protect' them or whatever, but Fury's orders.' Stark whispered to Bucky.
'Fine, but we should start treating them less like objects in a museum and actually get to know them.' Steve interjected.

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