Chance Meeting

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How he met seokJin, could only be described as a chance meeting. Or maybe, if you ask Taehyung, it can only be described as the title Jimin's solo song. Serendipity.

They met in a foreign country, when Taehyung had taken his solo trip in between their concerts, fooling the company management to explore on his own.

He got hungry and tried to buy food, only to find that the local vendor did not understand a word of english. Seokjin, out of nowhere, had came to rescue, communicating between him and the vendor, helping him buy food.

It could have ended like that, Taehyung could have left with a simple thank you and they could have parted their ways.

But something about SeokJin pushed him for more, making him initiate a conversation.

Maybe he was just amused to find another korean in a foreign land (one efficient in local language of that)

Or, maybe there was something about Seokjin's sad eyes that drew him. There was a tale on unknown melancholy that he wanted to decipher.

Seokjin seemed rather indifferent to the conversation, but Taehyung pressed on. It had been so long since someone was uninterested in him, it almost thrilled him. Maybe he didn't know who Taehyung was, he thought. The chance of making a friend beyond his stardom seduced Tae greatly.

Taehyung was a social butterfly, no one could really reject his charms for long. So, a unique friendship began between them. One that was held by Taehyung's eagerness for adventure and Seokjin reluctant politeness.

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