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"He is my soulmate" Taehyung thinks, it is the only thing that explains the tug he feels toward the other man. But how can that be true, when Jin believes that he has already lost his own? Aren't soulmates supposed to be for each other??

Sometimes, he feels his heart will burst from the feeling.

Taehyung can't believe how unlucky he is. He wants to love, but he can't. He yearns to touch, but he can't.

He wants to confess, but stops.

What good will it bring? He thinks. For all the man and women who want him had always made him feel that anyone will be lucky to have him.

But when it comes to SeokJin, he feels inadequate.

Even though SeokJin's future plan is twisted, he can still see what he wants. A home, a family, quiet life.

Taehyung can give him none of this, his life as a idol would mean thread of long distance relationship, pestering from fans and media, lack of privacy.

He doesn't want Seokjin to suffer through that. He is too fragile for the cruel world.

So he hides his pain and watches from afar. Finding comfort in the fact that Jin isn't dating anyone else.

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