We hide behind the pain

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SeokJin, Taehyung would latter find, was nothing like what he saw in their first encounter.

For one thing, SeokJin knew perfectly well who Taehyung was, in fact he was a fan of Wildcats. (Part of the notorious 'Cat Brigade')

Another thing, is that SeokJin was not some random person (as Taehyung had thought at their first meeting). He was one of the star lecturers at a university, getting a phd at an early age, attending meeting and international seminars on latest developments in his field. He was also one of the popular teachers, liked by students and his colleagues alike.

On the day of their meeting, however, SeokJin had just found out that his ex had gotten engaged. Hence his dishevelled state and lack of enthusiasm.

Taehyung also found that Seokjin past relationship was a defining characteristic of his life. He blamed himself for losing his ten year long relationship and vows never to fall in love again. Taehyung thought it was over dramatic, but realised that Jin was really strict in his resolve. He didn't date, didn't even hook up.

In fact, Jin actually had his whole life figured out.

Outside of his job, he loves to dance. It's not that he is good at dancing, but he does it anyways. It keeps him busy, both in body and mind. It's a good coping mechanism, stopping him from dwelling too much in his ugly break up. Plus, it was a good way to spend more time with his best friends Hoseok and Lisa.

Lisa, Tae learned, is a lesbian and SeokJin's pretend girlfriend. They plan to marry together so that Lisa's family won't disown her. Later they would move abroad and have two kids through IVF. SeokJin will keep one and Lisa the other. They will divorce when the time seems right, so that Lisa can finally be with her girlfriend Jisoo. SeokJin will live rest of his life with his kid.

A highly complicated and dysfunctional plan, but a plan nevertheless. Like he said, Jin had his life figured out.

Upon meeting them, Taehyung found that he liked Lisa and Hoseok a lot. Like a lot, lot. Soon he was a side piece of Jin's friend circle, spending time in their group chat, watching them do various dance covers, teasing each other.

It was only a matter of time before SeokJin's studio apartment became his second home. Any time he was free, Taehyung could be found sleeping in SeokJin's bed; relaxing in the elders sweet scent.

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