I gotta find you

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A week after the wedding, and Seokjin Was completely out of the radar. Taehyung tried calling him on the phone, his skype, no answer. All his social media were silent.

Taehyung panicked. His heart filled with worry that something must have happened to Jin.

He called Hoseok, learned that Jin had apparently been avoiding all of them, took a leave from office and went to Brazil.

Brazil, he knew what that meant. Seokjin had told him he wanted to go to Rio before he died. Could it he was considering doing that? Could it be that he was finally off the edge?

Taehyung suddenly felt he had to do something. He had to chase Jin. Otherwise, he felt, he would lose him forever.

So he called Jin's office and begged them to give him Jin's hotel address. It took a lot of convincing, but he managed to get SeokJin's hotel’s address.

It took even more convincing to make Yoongi and Jimin understand his situation, and then all of them to convince the company to let Tae go. ( he would be missing two fan meetings)   

When all that is done, Tae was on the first plane to Rio.    

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