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"I found out where your mum lives. You wanted to see her, right?" Stan said. "Yeah, but..." John started. "We don't have to." Stan said. "No, no." John said. "What bus do we get?" I asked.

"We don't. We walk." Stan said. "Are you coming or what?" Stan asked as John stood still. We walked for a while until we reached a small neighborhood and came upon a red door. John stood for a moment and then walked to face the door. He began to knock when he backed out.

Soon after Stan knocked on the door, we waited for someone to open. Soon after the red haired woman opened the door a large smile on her face. She slowly walked up to us and hugged us. I was hesitant to hug her back but reluctantly hugged her. She invited us in and sat us down at a table with two other little girls.

"Blackpool's loss, our gain. But we love Blackpool, don't we, girls? Fun, fun, fun!" She said dancing in the kitchen.

"I knew you were coming, though. Do you want to know how I knew? Because I baked a cake! " she said stuffing a cake into Johns mouth. "What do you think? Nice, eh? Vanilla buns." She said holding a platter out. "One for you, Julia."

"Thank you." The girl said. "One for you, Jackie."

"Thank you." She said. "Y/N, would you like one?" She asked. "No thanks, I'm not hungry" I said. After a while we all did different things Stan started playing with the piano, the girls and Mum were running around, John sat in the kitchen with George's harmonica, and I sat on the couch watching it unfold. "Hey, steady on." Mum said as the two girls ran outside.

"Ooh, a mouthie! Let's have a look. Hohner. German. Boo! Down with the Krauts! Good at mouthies, though. Not so good at war." She said looking at Johns harmonica. "Do you mind?" She asked holding the instrument. "No. Your spit's my spit, anyway." John said. She played it a bit before setting it on the table again. "Good lungs on it." She smiled.

"Uncle George gave it me just before he died." John said. "He'll be missed. He was a good man." She said. "Hmm." John smiled. "Come on! You too Y/N!" She said. "No, thank you, but I'm meant to be meeting someone" I smiled.

"Are you sure, we're going to have lots of fun" she smiled. "I'll have to miss it, you go on John, I'll see you at home, you too Stan" I said waving as I left the small home. I caught a bus and headed straight home. "I'm home Mimi" I said. "Oh, good your friend has been waiting outside for the longest" she said pointing to the backyard.

"Where's John and Stan?" She asked. "John went out with Mum and Stan stayed and watched her kids. I didn't feel like going and I'd promised to hang out with Paul so..." I said. "Okay, have fun darling. Where are you going again" she said. "Just to the lake, not far from here" I said. "Okay, I'll see you soon, and don't be home late!" She said as I walked to the backyard to meet Paul.

"Hey!" I said skipping out. "Hey, ready to go?" He asked. "Yep, lets go!" I said opening the gate to walk through. "Where were you, I'm usually the late one" he giggled. "I was visiting my mum, I didn't really feel comfortable so I left, plus I had to meet you so.. " I said.

"Oh, I'm sorry for interrupting you with your mum" he said. "No, it's fine really, I didn't really want to be there anyway" I said as we walked down the street. "Well, why did you go if you didn't want to be there?" he asked. "I guess I just... I don't know.. I guess I wanted to know why she'd left us or at least gained some closure, to something , anything" I said. "But she didn't bring it up, all she did was make cakes and act like everything was fine" I said.

"Well, maybe she just wants to make up for lost time" he said as we reached a picnic table. "Maybe, I just hope John doesn't get attached and then she leave us again" I said. "I'm sure she's better now and learned from her mistakes" Paul said holding my hand. A few minutes passed as we sat in silence watching the water. "I hate to ask you this, I know it's a sore topic, but when your mum passed, how did you cope with it?" I asked.

"Well, I remember my father telling me to express how I was feeling and not hold it in, because it would only make it worse. I also stuck around friends, just to reassure myself. I knew my mum wouldn't want me to sit in my room all the time moping, so I got up and did something" he said looking into the distance. "That's also when I started to learn guitar, I wanted to distract myself from my thoughts, so I got a new hobby" he said. "Maybe I need a hobby" I said. "Maybe you could start singing, or guitar, piano, or drums? Whatever you like, I think music is a very good thing for distractions" he said. "Yeah, but where would I learn how to play or sing?" I said.

"I could teach you the guitar or piano, and even singing. But it's up to you" He said turning to face me. "I'll think about it" I said smiling. The sun began to set and people began to leave the lake. "We should get going, I have to be home soon"
I said standing.

"Alright then let's go!" Paul smiled jumping up. He began to run off. "Wait up!" I laughed. After a few minutes of running after Paul we reached the house. I slowed down as Paul slowed as well.

"I'll see you later I guess" I said panting. "Of course, call me if you want those lessons" he said. "Of course, I'll see you soon" I said hugging Paul goodbye. Paul ran off towards his house waving as I entered my house. I smiled widely and walked into the living room.

"Is John home yet?" I asked. "No, but I've put dinner on the table if you'd like it" Mimi said. "Okay, thank you!" I said heading to the kitchen. I finished my meal quickly and cleaned my dishes. "Goodnight Mimi" I said.

"Goodnight darling" she said as I walked up. I jumped into bed and went to sleep quickly hoping tomorrow morning would be a bit better than this morning.

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