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"You'll never believe who called me the other day" Paul said. "Who?" I asked laying on my stomach. "John, he wants me to come over and teach him some more chords" he said. "Really?" I asked a bit shocked. "Are you going to go?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think we got off to a bad start and so maybe this'll change things" he said. "Well, when is this arrangement?" I asked. "It's soon, about 10 minutes" he said looking at his watch. "Wanna start walking over?" I asked. "Sure let me grab my guitar" he said.

He grabbed the guitar from downstairs as we walked out the door. We made our way along the cobblestone roads and passed houses one with a woman watering her flowers and others with men smoking a cigar on the porch. We walked out of the neighborhood and made our way towards my house. "Are you going to join us?" He asked.

"I can if you'd like me too" I smiled. "It'd be nice" he smiled wide. "Well, Okay then. I'll watch" I said as we walked up to the door. Paul knocked and Mimi opened the door. "John, your little friend is here." Mimi shouted upstairs.

We walked upstairs in Johns room. "Oh hello Y/N" John said surprised. "Don't worry I'm just spectating" I giggled. "Okay lets get started then" Paul said. "It goes A. But you start on D" paul started.

"Bollocks! Hang on a sec. Keep going." John said putting his glasses on. "It's my Buddy Holly look." John joked as Paul looked at his glasses. "Good. D." Paul said going back to the guitar. "Right, yeah, D." John said. "So from D, it goes to E minor. No, B minor, that's a banjo chord." Paul said.

"So B minor, it's..." John said finding the string. "Yeah, yeah, that's it. To G." Paul said playing a tune. "G. To A. And then it just starts again." Paul said. "B minor to G."

Blue moon
You saw me standing alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own

The boys started singing and tapping their feet. Soon enough Mimi dragged us out into the white room sort of like a patio.

"That's much better acoustically. Thanks." Paul said. "So, Mummy's cool about baby Paul wanting to be Elvis?" John said. "She would have loved it." Paul said. "Bollocks!" John exclaimed. "She's not around any more." Paul said looking away.

"What?" John asked. "Well, she... She sort of died last year. You know, if we're going to do this, we should write our own stuff. Then you don't get stiffed by record companies." Paul said changing the subject. "I write stuff. Not songs, more poetry... you know, stories." John said. "Add a tune and you've got a song." Paul said. "Have you written any?" John asked.

"A couple." Paul said. "How do you know so much? You don't seem like the rock'n'roll kind of guy." John said. "You mean I don't go round smashing things up and acting like a dick?" Paul said as I giggled. "Yeah. No. It's the music. That's it, it's just music. Simple." Paul said.

Paul soon left and I left with him. We had a nice lunch, he walked me home and I Walked into shouting. "Grow up, John. Stop behaving like a child." Mimi said. "Well, fuck off, Mimi." John shouted. "What did you say?" Mimi said.

"I said fuck off!" He shouted slamming the back door. "What happened?!" I asked. "He was doing horrible in school so I sold his guitar." She said. "Why'd you sell it Mimi? Couldn't you've just taken it away?" I said. "That wouldn't teach him a lesson!" She said putting out her cigarette.

~Time Skip~
Mimi and I sat in the lounge as I read a book and she listened to some opera music. The door slammed open as someone walked into the lounge. "So I got it back. Yeah, Mum bought it for me." John said holding the guitar. A few hours later John and I left to head to their gig. We got to the bar and I stayed with Mum as they played.

"Thanks, guys." John said. "Thank you." Paul said. "Next, the Scouse Duane Eddy will play Moving and Grooving. I present to you Mr Paul McCharmly." John said. "Thanks, John. Kind words." Paul said. "I didn't mean them." John said right in the mic.

"Whoo!" Mum cheered as Paul's guitar started to boom music out. Sooner or later the gig ended and they joined us. "That was great" I said hugging Paul and John. "All in a days work" John said. "Were taking the bus home if you want to ride with us? Or you can ride with Mum. Whatever you'd like" John said.

"I'll join you why not" I said. "Bye mum" I said pecking her cheek. "This is George. He's a mate of mine. He should be in the group." paul said looking at his friend. "He should be in bed" John said as some quietly laughed.  "No, I've been to bed. Couldn't sleep." George said.

"Go on, George, show them." Paul said. "What? Magic tricks?" John said.  "No, I've left my top hat at home.Abracadabra eh, John?" He said.  "I need to calm down now. I'm embarrassing myself." He said as John handed him a guitar. He played a quick tune, it was quite good.

"That was brilliant." John said. "Wasn't bad, was it?" George asked. "It was so good."  John said.

~Time Skip~
The QuarryMen got bigger and booked another venue to play at. When they finished the show they came down to Mum and I all sweaty. "Amazing!" Mum said.  "We need to celebrate... everything. It's John's birthday soon so let's have a party, at mine, Saturday. OK?" Mum said excitedly.  "Can we get boozed up?" Someone asked.  "Only if I can." She said winking.

"Good show as usual" I said hanging my arms around Paul's neck. "Why thank you!" He said. "I'm going to go ahead and head home but I'll see you later?" I said. "Yeah, I gotta find John he seemed a bit upset, but I should walk you" he said. "No you can get John I think I'll see if I can catch up with Mum, love you" I said standing on my tiptoes to kiss him.

"Goodnight Love, be safe" he said kissing my forehead. I waved goodbye and ran to Mum and she was getting in her car. "Mum!" I shouted. She looked over at me "Y/N?"

"Would you mind driving me home?" I asked. "Well, of course not hop in!" She smiled.

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