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"Lennon!" The teacher said as he drew on his book. "John. John Churchill." Pete whispered. "Churchill, sir." John said. "Too late!" The teacher said snatching his book. I sank back in my chair as he was sent to the principal.

A few hours later I found myself in the library for whatever reason. I wasn't reading or studying, I was just there. And I didn't know why. Maybe reading can distract me from all this? But I also liked the idea of learning to sing or even play an instrument.

I sat and thought a little longer before I decided to head home. I got home to see that John ran inside and got stopped by Mimi. "How was school?" Mimi asked. "Alright. Killing us with homework, though. Tonight we've got maths, chemistry, physics and that famous crowd pleaser history." John said. "Don't lie to me, John Lennon! Where have you been? Hmm? Veronica Connor tells me she saw you on the roof of a bus." Mimi yelled.

"It's as if you choose to embarrass me." She said her hand on her temple.  "Just remember all I have done for you two.  Without me, you'd be in
a children's home. Remember that." She said. "Like you'll ever let me forget! That hurt!" He yelled. "Good! Where are you going? Don't you walk away." Mimi screamed as John left out the back door and the front door rang. "Whatever you're selling, it's no! " Mimi said opening the door.

"The advert for a lodger." A boy said.  "Oh." Mimi said surprised. "Michael Fishwick." The boy said.
"What are you?" She asked. "I beg your pardon?" He said.

"What are you? What do you do?" She said. "I'm a student at the university." He said. "A student of what?" She said.  "Of biochemistry." He said. "Oh. Come in." She said moving out of the way for him to walk in.

"Mimi, I'm going to call my friend and see if he wants to hang out. Is that alright?" I asked. "Yes darling, be home on time!" She said guiding the boy to the lounge. I called Paul's number, he answered fairly quickly. "Hello?" He asked. "Hey! It's Y/N" I said.

"Oh, hey Y/N what'd you need?" He asked. "I was just wondering if you'd take me up on those lessons?" I asked. "Of course, which instrument?" He said. "I don't really know, I'm having a hard time choosing between piano or singing" I said. "Well, come over now and I'll help you decide" he said.

"Okay cool I'll see you in about two minutes!" I said. I hung up the phone and headed for the door. "I'll be back Mimi, and on time" I said rushing out. I ran down the street quickly and passed a neighborhood before reaching Paul's neighborhood. It was quite nice on the inside.

Big houses, nice gardens in front, and nice people I'd presume. I walked further until I saw someone sitting on their porch step. I walked closer to see Paul. "Hey!" I said out of breath. "Hey, you good?" He giggled.

"Yeah, just not in great shape" I laughed. "Would you mind staying outside while we play?" He asked. "Sure, I don't mind" I said. "Okay, come with me" he said grabbing my hand. He dragged me into the backyard that was filled with flowers and had a few lawn chairs as well.

"Okay, now why can't you choose between piano and singing?" He asked. "I actually don't know, I like the idea of singing but I'm just too afraid to do it. And the piano is a really nice instrument but I also feel as though I wouldn't be able to learn it and I'd be wasting your time" I said. "It takes everybody a while before they're excellent at something, so it wouldn't be a waste as I'm teaching you" he smiled.

"Well, thanks. Would you mind showing me which is easier" I said . " I believe the guitar is easier, so if you'd like to learn that" he said. "That's the easiest instrument you have" I said. "Roughly" He said. "Okay then, lets learn the guitar!" I said.

"Okay, let me grab a spare one" he said running inside. He grabbed another guitar for me to use and we started practicing. It was fairly easy but I caught on pretty quickly. After about an hour or two I decided to head home. "Want me to walk you home?" Paul asked.

"No, I don't want to trouble you" I said handing Paul his guitar. "You keep it" He said pushing the guitar away. "It's an old one, plus I have this one" he said tapping his guitar.

"Okay, I'll see you later!" I said opening the gate. "Bye Y/N!" He said waving. I walked home the guitar on my back. I walked out of the neighborhood the glow of orange in the sky and the breeze blowing. I looked back to see Paul, he was watching me walk home.

I waved once more before he smiled and started to head inside. Once I saw him close the door and ran home. The sun started to set quicker so I quickened my pace as I saw the house in my sight. I quickly ran in as Mimi was about to lock the door. "Your home a little later than usual" she said closing the door.

"Sorry i got caught up" I said pulling on the guitar strap. "Okay, well don't let it happen again. Goodnight " she said. "Goodnight" I said walking upstairs. I ran to my room and flopped on my bed. I fell asleep pretty quickly.

I don't exactly know why but I was having these dreams with me, John, and my Mum. Like my parents were fighting and then all I see after that is Mimi drag me and John away. It was as if Mum and Dad didn't care if we heard them fight. But Mimi seemed to always be there to drag us away to something better. John might not realize why Mimi took us but I realize, our mum is unfit to be a mother.

Black Star| thedailyfaçade Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora