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"Let's go, get up!" I heard a voice yell. I quickly shot up and got ready, ran downstairs and began to eat the food Mimi had prepared. "John!!" She yelled. I heard a loud groan and a loud stomp moving down the stairs. "Mimi, I'm going to head out early" I said cleaning my dish.

"Okay, have a good day. John!" She said. I head out the front door, my bag on my shoulder and head out towards Blackpool. I look down at my watch which reads 5:30 AM. 'Okay, I have about an hour to get there and get back so I can catch up to Paul' I thought. I start to run, a few minutes later I reach Mum's house.

I speed to the door before stopping. I slowly move my fist to the door and knock lightly. I heard the click and clack of heels reaching the door. The sound suddenly stopped as the door opened. "Well, hello. I wasn't expecting you! What's the occasion" she smiled.

"I just wanted to apologize for leaving so early the other day. It was very rude" I said. "Oh, you're fine darling. Plus, you said you had something going on" she smiled. "Well, thanks for understanding" I said. "Well, would you like to come in?"
She asked. "Umm, Thank you but I actually have to head out now so I can catch up to my friend Paul. We always walk to school together" I smiled.

"Okay, well if you ever want to have tea, or go out or even just come over to chat. I'll be here" she smiled widely. "Right, thank you" I said. I waved goodbye to my mother and ran off. Ever since I was little she was made out to be a lazy, horrible, monster that couldn't handle responsibilities. But maybe she wasn't so bad.

About an hour later I ran to Paul's neighborhood. I looked down at my watch which read 6:45. I looked down the street and saw Paul walking alone. I quickly ran up beside him catching my breath. "Good Morning Y/N. Where were you this morning?" He asked.

"I just needed to run a tiny errand" I said catching my breath. "Well, I thought you'd never show up, I waited for a bit but just supposed you were sick" He smiled down at me. "Why's that?" I asked. "Well, you're never late, it's as if you're excited to see me" he laughed. I blushed a bit and giggled.

"Yeah, sure" I said punching his arm.

~Time Skip~

"So, are you coming back for a guitar lesson?" Paul asked me as we walked home from school. "Do you think you could come to my house?" I asked. "Well, I suppose" He smiled. "Okay, want to run by your house and grab your guitar?" I asked. "No, I'll just use your's. Is that okay?" He asked.

"Of course!" I said. We headed back to the house, the house was empty. "I wonder where John is?" I said. I grabbed my guitar "We should probably practice outside seeing as Aunt Mimi isn't the biggest fan of music" I said pointing towards the white colored room. "Okay, what today teacher!" I said earning a laugh.

"Well, we've gone over chords and other fun stuff, I guess I could teach you to play a song" He said. "Okay, yeah, which song?" I asked. "We could do a classic by Elvis if you'd like" He said. "Yeah!" I said handing him the guitar. As he began to play, I felt an urge to sing. He was reaching the chorus of his song and out of nowhere I just started to sing to the notes.

'Love me tender, love me true

All my dreams fulfill

For my darling I love you

And I always will

He looked up still playing, he looked amazed and shocked to hear my voice.

Love me tender, love me dear

Tell me you are mine

I'll be yours through all the years

'Til the end of time

Love me tender, love me true

All my dreams fulfill

For my darling I love you

And I always will'

He stopped playing and gently sat the guitar down. It was a long awkward silence before there was noise. "Wow!" He said. "What?" I asked. "You've got an amazing voice!" He exclaimed.

"You think so?" I asked. "I know so!" He said standing up. I stood up to reach eye level with him as more silence filled the room. But this silence was comforting and warm. We just stood there for a few minutes before a loud slam noise rang through the house. I looked over to see a figure run through the house.

"I'll be right back" I said. "Alright" He said sitting down. "John?!" I said. "Is that you?" I asked running upstairs. "Yeah, what do you want?" He said. "I just wanted to see if you were okay, you seemed upset when you came in" I said walking in his room.

"I'm fine, now why don't you get back downstairs to your boyfriend" He said. "He's not my boyfriend!" I said crossing my arms. "Okay, and My name is Mary" He said. "He really isn't" I said. "Okay, then tell me why I walked in and you were staring at each other for so long" He said. "Because we were.. practicing guitar" I said.

"Look, in my experience if you really like someone you should go for it!" He said sitting up on his bed. "Even if I did like him I wouldn't know what to say or how i would say it" I said. "You always know what to say, once you start telling him it will all flow out like a river" he said. "Are you drunk?" I asked. "Surprisingly, no!" He laughed.

"Okay then, I'll talk to you later" I said leaving. "Good Luck!!" He yelled. I walked back down to see Paul sitting and silently strumming the guitar. "Hey, sorry that took so long, rough day" I giggled. "It's fine, i was just thinking" He said.

"What about?" I asked. "Just, life" He said staring out the window. "Hey. You okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I just feel like something is missing" He said slouching in his chair. "Like, there is this void" he said.

"How long have you felt like this?" I asked. "I suppose ever since my mother had passed" He said. "Okay, but you still have people who can fill the void" I smiled. "No, my dad has been a bit distant lately, he was okay and strong when she'd first passed but, it's like its just now hitting him" He said. "Well, even though your dad has been distant, you'll always have me" I said clasping his hand.

"Thanks, it means a lot." He smiled. We sat in a comfortable silence before I heard Mimi walk in. "Y/N! Could you help with dinner tonight?" She said. We both stood up as we heard Mimi. "Of course, just one moment" I yelled.

"Don't be too long!" She yelled back. "I guess I'd better get going" Paul said. "Okay, yeah. I'll see you later?" I said. "Of course!" He smiled. He began to walk out the backdoor.

"Paul!" I said running behind him. He stopped and looked back. "Yeah?" He said. I ran and pulled him into a tight embrace. He placed a hand on my back as my hand sat around his neck.

"I just wanted a hug" I said. He giggled slightly and hugged back. "You're very special" He said letting go. "Goodnight, Y/N" He said. "Goodnight, Paul" I said as I watched him walk off into the dim street lights.

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