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"Hey, I just thought I'd see if you'd like to hang out" I said talking on the phone. "Well, sure i'd love to! How about you come over now and we can grab some tea!" She exclaimed. "Great! I'll see you then" I said hanging the phone up. "Mimi, I'm heading out" I said. "Where to?" She asked.

"I'm going to have tea with Mum, I'll call you if I'll be late" I said throwing my coat on. "Okay, just be careful" she said. "Of course, see you later" I said closing the door. I hugged my coat and started to walk towards Blackpool. A few minutes of walking later I had reached her house.

I knocked on the door, seconds later I heard the same heels I'd heard clicking last time reaching the door. "Hello, darling! Ready to go!" She said hugging me. "Yes" I smiled. We silently walked to a small cafe and took a seat at a small table that sat in the back. "So, why did you ask me to tea?" She asked.

"What?" I asked. "Well, we haven't talked much and it just seems like you weren't very fond of me" She said. "Well, I think it's just because I felt you'd abandoned us but I thought talking to you would be better than assuming." I said. "Some people don't ever see their parents so I should just be lucky that you've been so kind to come back in our lives" I said. "Well, thank you. It means the world to me that you wanted to chat." She said as a waitress walked up to the table and placed two teas down.

"Thank you" Mum said sipping her tea. "So who's the friend you hung out with the other day?" She asked. "His name is Paul, he's one of my only friends" I said. "Oh, well what'd you two do" She asked. "Well, that day I promised him I would hang out with him by the lake. But recently he's been teaching me the guitar" I said.

"You're learning guitar!" She said smiling widely. "Yes" I said. "That's excellent, maybe I could show you my banjo at home" she said excitedly. "Yeah, that'd be great" I smiled. "Yeah, I could show you some songs, its almost the same as a guitar, and when you show your friend Paul he'll be so astounded that you've learned a song" She said.

"Well, i've sort of already been learning a song" I said. "Oooh, which?" She asked. "Love me tender by.." I started. "Oh, thats an amazing song!!!!" She squealed. "Come on, I want to hear you play, you can play on Bobby's guitar, he hasn't used it in about 15 years, he won't mind" She said as she dragged me out of the cafe.

She dragged me all the way to her house and threw my on the couch. She ran outside to a small shed and ran back in handing me a nice shiny black guitar. I held the guitar, it looked like it'd never been used. "Well, go on!" She said. "I don't.. I don't know. This is a very nice guitar and it looks as if no ones used it maybe I could just go grab mine" I said.

"Nonsense! Bobby tried guitar and gave up years ago now go on!!" She said. I played the bits I knew as she swayed in her chair sitting across from me. She hummed along to the words as I strummed the chords. After a few moments I had finished and set the guitar across my lap. "That was beautiful!" She said.

"Thanks!" I said smiling widely. "One minute i'm going to get the girls so they can watch you play!" She squealed running off. I felt a warmness in my heart, I'd never had my actual mother show me how excited and proud she was for me. I guess i'd been wrong about her, I just never gave her a chance, I smiled to myself slightly as she ran in with her two small daughters. I played the song again as they all danced around in the lounge.

About an hour later I had decided to head home since it would take me a while to walk back home. "I had an amazing time!" I said smiling as I hugged my mother. "I did as well, we should do this again!" She said kissing my cheek. "Want me to walk you home?" she asked. "No i'll be alright!" I said.

"Okay, be safe! I'll see you soon!" She yelled closing the door. I ran home passing neighborhoods and kids on bikes. I passed one neighborhood before reaching the house. I opened the small white fence that sat in between two hedges. I walked in to hear yelling.

"John!" I heard Mimi yell. I heard a loud door slam as I walked into the kitchen. "Mimi, are you okay?" I asked. "Yes, i'm just fine. Nothing is wrong" She said lighting a cigarette. "What's happened to John?" I asked.

"Nothing. Now go occupy yourself" She said. "Alright" I said shocked to hear her so upset. I walked to my room and started to jot down some stuff in my journal, read a bit, and I played around with my guitar as well. I walked to John's room to see if he'd been in there, but he wasn't, I checked outside, he wasn't there and neither was his bike. I walked around a bit hoping maybe I'd see him walking around.

After a while it got darker and I decided to go inside. I assumed maybe the next morning John would come back. Maybe that he would come back and apologize to Mimi and we would all be fine and sit around the table again before school like we do every morning. I make it seem as though he's been gone for months when it's only been minutes or hours but I've never been without John, and it really worries me that he could just be walking around or sleeping out in the cold. I hope he'll return in the morning, but that's all I can do is hope.

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