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I woke up this morning hoping to see John sitting at the table as Mimi made breakfast, but it was empty. Not even Mimi was downstairs, I could see her door closed upstairs. She must be really worried about John. I made myself a quick toast and walked out the door and headed towards Paul's house. I walked through the neighborhood looking at the bright flowers.

I ran up to his door and knocked very lightly. I heard a groan, then someone scream Paul's name, and then I heard soft footsteps approaching the door. "Hello?" Paul said his hair messy, his eyes barely open, and his voice very scratchy . "Hey" I said softly. "Oh, good morning Y/N, what're you doing up so early?" He asked as his eyes opened wider.

"Well, I was worried about John and so I got up early hoping he'd be downstairs but he wasn't and then I made toast and here I am!" I said. "Okay, do you want to come in?" He asked smiling. "Yeah, if you don't mind of course" I said my face turning a bright red. "Of course not, we just have to go to my room. Dad doesn't like me to interrupt his shows" he said moving to let me in. "Ok cool" I said.

I walked through the door and glanced into the living room to see Paul's dad in a recliner watching early morning TV. Paul lead me through the halls into a small room. "This is it, the famous bedroom of Paul McCartney" I said as he giggled. "Do you want to talk about John? Or is it too personal?" He said flopping on his bed.

"No, it would actually be nice to talk to someone about it. I mean it only happened yesterday afternoon but it still bothers me" I said. "Well, go on then" he said as he sat up.  "Well, I was hanging with my Mum yesterday and I came home hours later to hear Mimi yell and a door slam. So my guess is John got mad at Mimi and left the house" I said bringing my knees to my chest as my eyes  started to tear up. "And honestly I don't even know where he went or if he's okay, and I don't know what to do" I said as some tears fell.

I hid my face in my knees as now tears began to fall. Seconds later I felt a arm snake around my shoulder. "I'm sure he's fine. I've never met John but if he's anything like you he's very strong and can handle himself" Paul said rubbing my shoulder. "Oh yeah I'm 'strong'. I'm literally sitting on the floor crying because my brother was being stupid and ran out!" I exclaimed. "Don't say that about yourself! Y/N you're the strongest, most beautiful, smartest, and most talented person I've had the pleasure of being friends with! And I will not let you talk about yourself like that!" He said bringing my eyes to meet his.

"I'm sure you've had better" I said sniffling. "No, because, I've never felt the way I have with you with other friends"He said his facing turning a light pink. "And what's that?" I asked. "Well, I've never... loved one of my friends" He said his face turning a bright red. I stayed silent for a bit just looking at Paul.

"I'm sorry that was a bit weird you have more to worry about just forget I said it" He said standing up. "Wait!" I said. He turned around a look of embarrassment in his eyes. I walked up to him, stood on my tiptoes and pecked his lips softly. "I... love you too" i said hiding my face.

He lifted my head and connected our lips again. I giggled hiding my face in his chest. "What's funny?" He asked his hands on my waist. "Nothing, I've just never been so happy!" I smiled brightly at him. "Well, hows about I get ready and then we can head out and find your brother" he said.

"Oh, you don't have to do that i can look myself" I said. "No, I'm going to help you" He said holding my hand. "Okay, if you insist" I said sitting on the bed. He took some clothes and headed to the bathroom. Minutes later he came out hair fixed, a red flannel and jeans on.

"Ready to go?" He asked. "Yeah!" I said. We walked back downstairs, we passed the lounge again to see his dad in the same chair watching the TV. "Dad, I'm heading out. I'll be back soon" Paul said. "Okay son! Be careful" he said looking at him.

We walked out the sun shining down bright. Paul grabbed hold of my hand. "It's okay if I hold your hand. Right?" He asked. "I don't mind it" I said looking at our intertwined fingers. "Great! Let's go" he said.

We walked around for hours searching everywhere, we checked music stores, comic book shops, cafes, parks, neighborhoods, and just straight up fields but John was nowhere to be seen. "Maybe we should go home it'll get dark soon" I said. "We still haven't checked Blackpool, or maybe he went home?" Paul suggested. "Well, lets just head home and I can check my house after we get to your house" I said. "Are you sure? It's only 3 o'clock, we can keep looking" he said.

"No, lets head home" I said. "Okay then" Paul said. We walked back through the city and made our way home, we finally had made it home when the street lamps came on. "Well, here's your house, I'll see you soon?" I said. "You sure you don't want me to walk you down there?" He said.

"No, I'll be fine. It's just a short run" I said. "Okay, I'll see you later" he said pecking my cheek. He walked into his house as I walked off. I quickly ran to my house to see the lights on. I ran a bit quicker thinking John had come home.

I ran in to see Mimi sitting at the table smoking, her eyes puffy and her makeup ruined. "Are you Okay Mimi?" I asked. "Yes, I think you should know your brother has decided to stay with your mother, so if you wish to go too go now" She said. "I'm okay, she's great but I don't know if I'd want to live with her" I said. "Well, I'm off to take a shower and go to sleep" she said putting out her cigarette.

"Okay, I'll see you in the morning Mimi" I said. "Of course darling" she said making her way upstairs. I grabbed a quick snack and munched on it. I began to wonder why John would want to stay with Mum. What happened with him and Mimi?

I'll have to visit him or something to figure out why he's acting out. But for now I can calm down, I'm at peace, the world is my oyster.

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