Spending Time With His Family

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credit: preferences1-d

Harry: “Are you serious?!” You hear from your room, you smile at the words. You walk back out through the living space, and over to the second bedroom in the suite. Gemma still stands in the doorway. “This is my room?” You question, unsure of if you had brought her to the right place. You nod excitedly a wide grin on your face. You had convinced Harry to send the two of you on holiday while he was on tour in America; you had to have something to take your mind off of his absence. He had come through, and in a big way. You couldn’t even believe some of the things in the suite he had been able to book. The perks of being Harry Styles. He told you that if he was going to send you away with his sister you had to promise to trust him in his planning abilities. It was a difficult task seeing as knowing every detail of every part of your life was a must. Flying to Ibiza, with no idea where you would be staying was a little worrisome. But you had kept your promise to Harry and now that you had seen was he was capable of, it was well worth the anxiety. “There’s wine in the my bathroom,” she announces, moving further into her half of the suite. “Yep, mine too.” You had already been made aware of the amount of wine strategically placed throughout your side. You move from her doorway and back through the living area, the swaying of the curtains catching your eye. You hadn’t even thought to go outside. You walk over to the patio door, sliding it the rest of the way open. “Gemma!” You shout, as you look over practically another room of your suite. She walks up behind you, looking over your shoulder. “Always trust him,” she says with a laugh, walking past you and onto the balcony. A wooden hot tub sits in the corner, a bottle of chilled wine on a table beside it, lounge chairs face the ocean and a large cabana bed rests against the wall. You were officially in paradise. “I have to call him,” you say, leaving Gemma with the gorgeous view Harry had provided you with for the next week and a half. You get back to your room, picking up your phone. “Hey,” a deep and scratchy voice answers. “Oh God I’m sorry,” you begin, completely ignoring the reason for calling him. “I didn’t even think about the time. I’m so sorry, I’ll call you back later.” “Don’t you dare hang up the phone,” he counters playfully, his voice still breaking as he tries to wake up. You smile at his persistence. “I was just going to call you and tell you that we are in love with this place,” you tell him, bringing a smile to his sleepy face. “Are you ever going to come home?” He asks, rolling over on his back, rubbing his eyes. “Only to get you to bring you here.” He laughs at your response and you immediately wish he was lying in the bed in front of you as he laughed. “Well you two enjoy it, alright? You deserve it.” “You know we will, there’s wine all over the place! And turn tables, who needs turn tables in their hotel room?” “Obviously you do,” he answers. “I will master them, by the time we leave,” you joke. “Enjoy yourself please, do whatever you like,” he says, reminding you it was his credit card that you had in your purse, the only part of the trip you had actually fought with him over. You knew when you began your “I’m not using your credit card all week” rant that you weren’t going to win, but it was worth a try. “We will,” you promise. After making him promise to bring you back here when the tour finishes up you head back out to find Gemma still on the balcony, staring out at the view. “This is seriously the most gorgeous place I have ever been,” she says as you grab a bottle of wine out of the ice on the table. You toy with the cork for a moment before it finally comes off with a loud pop, both of you screaming followed by a loud laugh. “To the next ten days, may they be even better than we expect, this hotel already is,” you say, raising your class to chime it against hers.


Liam: “Have a good show,” you tell him, waiting until after his mom and dad had wished him the best for tonight. He pulls you in and you press a kiss to his lips. “You better be the loudest one out there,” he teases. “You know I will be.” After one last kiss you part from him to head out into the arena with his parents. “Where are we sitting?” Geoff asks, knowing you had been made aware of the seating arrangements. You turn from the back of the cart that was taking you through the now crowded stadium. “Well, we have two options,” you begin, trying to remember exactly what Paul had told you earlier in the day before Liam’s parents had arrived. “There are three seats for us in the stands, to the right of the stage, their front row so now one is in front of us.” You hope that was what was actually waiting for you in the stands. “Or, there is plenty of space at the sides of the stage to stand and watch and the crowd won’t be an issue.” “Well I don’t mind the crowd,” Geoff begins. “What do you think?” He asks, turning to Karen. “Yeah the stands sound fine to me, we will be standing regardless.” You nod with a smile and the driver makes a sharp turn, taking the three of you out into the fan-filled halls of the stadium. You smile and wave when they scream, as you do when you’re presented with fans. You hear your name resonate through the halls as the cart continues to speed past the excited fans. Once off the cart you are escorted to the seats Paul had said would be waiting for you. They were and you send up a silent gratitude to above. “These three right here,” the usher says and you thank her. “Wow, these are great seats,” Liam’s mom remarks. “Well we weren’t going to be in the back, now were we?” Geoff jokes, sliding down in his seat. Your presence was causing a stir in the stands around you and you could hear the constant clicks of cameras around you. You might as well embrace them. You turn from Liam’s parents to look up at the people that you would be spending the next two and a half hours with. “Hi guys, are you all ready for tonight?” You ask calmly so only the people around you could hear. They nod excitedly and you smile. “Good, it’s going to be great.” “Can I get a picture?” The girl directly in front of you asks. Here it goes. You smile, leaning over your seat to reach her as she snaps the picture. “Can I get one?” Another girl asks. You look down at Liam’s parents who both share a bright smile. After everyone around you had taken a picture with you, you sit down beside Karen. “That was very sweet of you to do that,” she acknowledges. “Well the last thing I need is #(Y/N)IsATwat trending on Twitter later,” you joke and Geoff laughs. “Oh they would never do that,” she scoffs. “Have you met this fandom?” You question playfully. The stadium grows quiet again after 5SOS leaves the stage, everyone preparing themselves for what they had only heard about to happen next. As the mash-up begins to play over the speakers the crowd begins to get louder. Things were happening. You loved this part of the show. You had seen this show a few times already but watching the fans reaction to the intro and then the boys emerging behind the screen was easily the best part of the concert. The mashup fades, the band coming out on stage, and the intro video begins to play. You smile as you look around you, every single person you see with a smile on their face. It was unbelievable the kind of effect your boyfriend and his band had on these girls. The video ends, revealing the front row of fans on the big screens. “Straight off the plane to a new hotel…” Harry sings and the entire place erupts. As Midnight Memories continues to play you look over at Karen standing beside you, her body swaying to the music. She was crying. She always cried, though. You pull your arms around her, resting your head on her shoulders, both of you now swaying to the rock tune.    

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