Newborn Baby

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Harry: “Do you want to hold him, dad?” The nurse asked and Harry grinned wide as his newborn son was placed into his arms. To Harry, it seemed strange to hold such a tiny baby in his much larger arms. “How does it feel, Harry?” you asked him and he looked up out of his trance. “Huh?” You giggled. “How does it feel to finally have our newborn baby in your arms? He’s gotta be so tiny and light and cute and all that fun stuff.” Harry stood up and reached your bed before placing your son carefully into your arms. “He’s all of that stuff and more, (YN), and as for how does it feel to have him here with us now?” He shook his head before kissing your forehead. “It feels absolutley amazing to have a son with the most beautiful woman i’ve ever known.”

Liam: “She has your nose, Liam!” you squealed as you got to look over your daughter after she had been cleaned up and weighed already. “She’s got your eyes too! She’s perfect!” you were just so much in awe with your newborn daughter that you hadn’t been able to shut up about her since you delivered her. “She does, doesn’t she?” Liam chuckled. “The rest of her looks like you though, (YN), absolutley gorgeous just like her mommy.” You giggled and Liam caught your gaze. “What?” You played with her hat that hung mostly off of her head and on Liam’s jacket. “It’s weird being called a mommy, but i like it. How does it feel to be a daddy, Liam?” Liam laughed softly. “I don’t think i have words to quite describe it yet, (YN), but i can tell you one thing, i am loving every second of it.”

Niall: As soon as your daughter had come out of you, Niall was following her everywhere she went. He made sure that the doctors weren’t being to rough with his little girl, they had to be gentle with her because she was so new and fragile. “How is she?” you asked exhaustedly as you laid in bed and Niall looked over his shoulder at you with a huge smile on his face. “She’s gorgeous. (YN),” he had your daughter in his arms now and sat by your bed. “Do you want to know something else about her?” “What?” you breathed as you took in her tiny face and body. “She’s ours. She’s our baby, we’re her parents. I’m her daddy and you’re her mommy, that’s just amazing, don’t you think?” You nodded as you held onto his arm tightly, looking down at your daughter. “So amazing.”

Louis: “Would you look at that, i have a baby! I’m a daddy!” Louis told the guys once they had all entered the room to visit your newborn son. “He’s a boy.” “And he looks just like his father.” you say tiredly as each of the guys came in to hug you. “How are the new mommy and daddy doing with the new baby boy?” Liam asked cheerfully and Louis shrugged. “I don’t know, the new mommy won’t let anyone else hold him.” You tsked. “I let you hold him as soon as he was born.” “And i haven’t held him since, you have.” you giggled and held your son out. “Here, you can hold him now. I want to sleep, and don’t keep him awake too long or you all are gonna stay until he falls back asleep.”

Zayn: “And all your fans think you’re carved from an angel, Zayn.” you comment as you two gazed at your minutes old son. “He looks just like you, and i mean exactly like you.” Your son grasped onto Zayn’s finger and he grinned. “Yeah he does. I can’t believe that he’s ours. We made him, (YN), we really made him!” You giggled. “Yeah, do you feel like a daddy to a handsome son yet?” Zayn was at a loss for words. “Do you feel like a mommy?” You nodded. “Yeah, and i feel like the luckiest mommy on the planet because i know my son has the world’s best daddy in his life also!” Zayn shook his head and kissed you. “I truly have the best family anyone could ever ask for.”

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