Your Daughter Dates One of the Other Boys' Sons

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Harry: “Sir,” Colin Horan says nervously as he shakes Harry’s hand.  It’s out of place and awkward for Colin to call Harry “sir,” since he’s known Harry from the day he was born, but that isn’t making the night any more normal.  Darcy rubs her forehead and makes a face.  ”Alright dad, we’re gonna go,” Darcy grimaces, her curly brown hair bouncing as she takes Colin’s wrist and attempts to leave the room.  ”Darce, wait,” Harry says seriously, and Darcy nudges Colin out of the room and turns to face her dad.  ”You’re making this so weird,” she hisses, her celery green eyes narrowing.  ”Sorry I can’t help it if my daughter’s first date is with Niall Horan’s son.” Harry spits back.  Darcy waves her hand in the air, as if to erase her father’s last comment.  ”I’m seventeen, the fact that you think this is my first—nevermind,” she sighs.  ”I just don’t know what your problem is!” She huffs, and Harry grits his teeth.  ”I KNOW how Niall was with girls.  I have a pretty bad feeling Colin’s the same.”  Darcy sighs.  ”Dad, we’ve called him Collie since he was nine because he acts like a puppy.  I think I’ll be fine.”

Louis: Paige nudges Louis as the doorbell rings.  ”You nervous, dad?”  She smirks, folding her arms and sitting down on the couch.  Louis coughs.  ”I wouldn’t be if it was you.” He mutters.  Just then, Daisy comes tearing through the front hall to open the door.  ”But with Daisy, it’s another story,” Louis mumbles, and Paige laughs.  Daisy fluffs her hair up and then flings the door open to reveal Jem Malik, the spitting image of his father.  Daisy whirls around and waves goodbye wordlessly, skipping out the door and slamming it shut behind her.  ”You nervous now?” Paige cackles.  ”I’m not dumb.  Daisy’s a little daddy’s girl and it’s killing you that she’s definitely sticking her tongue down Jem’s throat right now.” She laughs.  Louis glares over at her older daughter, then sighs.  ”She didn’t even proper say goodbye,” he says, slumping his shoulders.  ”Quite rude if you ask me,” Paige muses, examining her nails.  ”Hell yes it was,” Louis says, jumping up and heading to the door.  ”I god damn raised her, don’t I deserve a goodbye?” He shouts, flinging the door open and disappearing into the hall.

Niall: “I can’t believe you told everyone!” Emerson folds her arms, agressively throwing herself backwards in the passenger seat.  ”Em, if you don’t want people to know you’re seeing Baby James Payne, then you shouldn’t see him at all!”  Niall shrugs.  Emerson seethes, her eyes narrowing.  ”You said it like it was a joke.  And they all thought it was funny, too,” she says, pursing her lips.  Niall says nothing for a minute, and then sighs, looking over at his youngest daughter.  ”Em, did you ever think that maybe I need to laugh about you dating James because it actually terrifies me?” He grimaces and turns to face the road.  Emerson looks down at the floor, cracking her knuckles.  ”No,” she says quietly.  ”I still don’t know why everyone thought it was so funny,” she says.  Niall laughs.  ”It is Baby James, Emerson.  The kid peed his pants until he was eight and we all know it.”

Liam: Liam enters the kitchen, his face sheet white.  All of the boys and their families are over for dinner, and Liam had just gone to tell the kids that dinner was ready.  ”You won’t believe what I just saw.” He says, his voice shaking.  ”Niall, you will not believe what I just saw.” Liam says, bracing both of his hands on Niall’s shoulders.  ”What?  You’re freaking me out, Payno,” Niall says, shrugging Liam off.  ”Charlotte and Colin.  Charlotte and Colin.  Charlotte and Colin were just…kissing…and I saw it,” Liam says, falling into a chair and resting his head in his palm glumly.  ”Your daughter and my son?” Niall’s eyes get wide.  Charlotte and Colin enter the room then, and Liam jumps up.  ”Why?” He shouts, and Charlotte rolls her eyes, embarrassed.  ”You know how Colin is!” He says.  ”Hey!" Niall and Colin both shout back, but Charlotte bites her lip, looking over to the one person in the room who now refuses to look her in the eye: Darcy Styles.

Zayn: Liam Styles gulps and stares at Zayn across the table.  Katie clears her throat and takes Liam’s hand.  ”Alright mum, thanks for dinner.  It was great.” She stands up, pulling Liam up with her.  ”Thanks for dinner, Mrs. Malik,” he says quietly.  You cringe at the sound.  Mrs. Malik.  You know he’s just trying to be polite, but it still sounds funny.  You sigh and look over at Zayn, who shrugs.  ”I guess we couldn’t really pick a nicer kid for Katie to date,” he says.  You nod quickly.  ”For sure.” Zayn twirls spaghetti around his fork, then lets it clatter to his plate.  ”I’m just worried for Liam’s sake, you know?  You and I both know that Harry was just about as much of a womanizer as a sock.  But the media thought he was.  And they’re going to think Liam is, too.  And they’re gonna give Katie and Liam both so much shit when this gets out,” He says, rubbing his temples.  This is clearly not the first time Zayn has thought about this.  ”I know,” you nod, smiling tightly.  ”But there’s nothing you and I can do.  Harry dealt with it, didn’t he?  Liam will have to, too.”  Zayn writhes in his seat.  ”But Katie’s my little girl, I don’t want her to have to deal with it…”

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