The Break Up Part 2/ The Make Up (Requested) - His P.O.V...

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Louis: “You let him in?” (y/n) whined to her friend when she saw me standing by the door. “You are both being childish and I’m sick of it. Talk it out or get out,” she said coldly walking to her room. (y/n)’s friend was a lot like her, neither of them took any shit. That’s why I was so shocked when she let me in. “I’m all laughed out. I just watched the entire first season of The Wanted Life. They’re hilarious and sexy. So, you can leave.” She started to turn around to join her friend, “Give me a dam second would you?” I screamed, so frustrated with how good she was at avoiding me. She turned back around and slowly walked to stand in front of me. She didn’t say anything, but I could tell she was ready to listen. “I joke around a lot,” she rolled her eyes. “I joke around too much. I joke for different reasons, and it’s usually not to make others laugh. I figured out why I was joking around that day. It’s because I was scared of you. Scared of how much I love you. I thought that if I tore you down a bit with jokes, I would not only prove to others but also to myself that I could live without you. I went too far and in the end I came to the realization that I can’t live without you. So if being serious and deep every now and again is what needs to happen to keep you. Then I can make that happen.” She chewed on it for a second, “and?” I panicked for a bit then just went with my heart, deciding honesty starts now, “I’m sorry.” “Now we’re getting somewhere,” she hugged me, “I missed you.”

Harry: What is beauty? Beauty is the life in someone’s smile, or the despair in their eyes when they cry. It’s the way they say your name. It’s not the shape of their body, but the way they carry it. It’s the word choice they make that just makes a point hit you deep in your gut. It’s the confidence in their walk, or maybe the awkwardness. It’s the way their laugh makes the joke 100 times funnier. The joy someone projects when they do something they love or are with someone they love. People who love, are beautiful. There is nothing better than to be loved by a genuinely kind person, because they can’t help but be stunning. To be honest I find every girl beautiful in their own way. The only thing that is not beautiful is trying to hurt someone else’s confidence to help your own. Every single one of you is gorgeous, and needs to be reminded of it sometimes. So help each other out and build each other up. Because tearing people down can also tear people apart. It wasn’t perfect, I didn’t get across everything I wanted to say. I knew the media would tear apart every word in my twitlonger, but it was about time one of us addressed the issue. I convinced myself that even if I lost (y/n) I wouldn’t let it happen with the next girl, so with that I tweeted it. I was shocked when I saw that (y/n) responded, Some tears can be fixed with a little patience and tape. <3 She was genuinely the most beautiful person I have ever met, inside and out.

Zayn: “Hey,” I yelled running out after (y/n). “You can’t just proclaim things like that to a group of people without informing me about the situation,” I grabbed her arm forcing her to stop. “Well I just did. I guess I wasn’t trained as well as you,” she huffed trying to escape my grip. “I’m not an obedient dog,” she knew how to get under my skin. “I couldn’t care less anymore, honestly. If you want to be their pawns then more power to you. Or less I guess,” she wouldn’t stop squirming. “Well I do care what you think, so get your pretty ass back in there,” I got behind her and pushed her in. I didn’t realize that she was crying till she was standing in front of everyone. “Everyone this is (y/n). She is embarrassing, irrational, stubborn, hotheaded, distracting, and a lot of other things you’re not going to like to deal with. At the same time she’s fun, adorable, addicting and my rock. As long as I am in this band you will not cause her any guilt or put any strain on our relationship. If this ends and you guys have anything to do with it, One Direction will be one man smaller. Understood?” I scanned the table of terrified faces all shaking their heads in understanding. Then I looked to (y/n) who clearly had that mysterious mind of hers working. “So are we going to stay for the end of the meeting, or is this the end for me?” I asked transferring all of the power to her. I watched her pull up a chair at the table, then sat down and grabbed her shaking hand in attempt to steady it.

Liam: I stared at the text conversation for nearly half an hour. This could not be the end of it, I decided it was time I stepped up. “Sorry mom, but I’ve got to go. I don’t know if I’ll be back before our tour starts back up, but I’ll keep you posted.” She hugged me confused as I kissed her cheek, and with that I was out the door. I went straight to the airline grabbing the first flight to (y/n)’s country. I was sitting next to a fan, who kept asking why I was acting weird and bobbing my leg up and down. I just tried to keep talking to a minimum and after a few hours she was out and let her head fall to my shoulder. It was the last thing I needed being as nervous as I was, but was better than trying to explain where I was going and what I was doing. Once I got to (y/n)’s city I didn’t know where to tell the taxi to go. It was 3am, but I didn’t have a choice so we went to her house. I knocked quietly, but she answered right away. Her eyes were bloodshot. I wished she wasn’t so pretty when she cried. “Liam?” She looked at me like she thought she was dreaming. “I’m sorry it’s late or early. I had to come talk to you, and couldn’t let you go like that. I wasn’t going to come visit you, because I never see my family and friends anymore, since I always go and see you when I’m free. I realize now that there is a reason for that. I love you, and need to see you. I can talk to other people but I need to hold you.” She looked to me and my bags, “come in,” she said solemnly. “I can visit your family with you, you know?” I felt like an idiot, “yes you can, anytime you want.”

Niall:  It had been weeks since I’d seen her. I was finally moving on, so why did she have to show up in the same restaurant as me? You’re strong; you can pretend you didn’t see her, “Hello (y/n).” How the hell did I get to her table, why didn’t the boys stop me?  “Hey Niall,” she looked awkwardly at the guy she was with. I wanted to punch him in the face then and there, but just started walking away, “have a good meal.” I was acting like such a fool, as I wiped a tear from my eye. All of a sudden (y/n) yanked at my shoulder and spun me around. Once she saw my face she pulled me aside. “Are you ok?” She asked with sympathetic eyes. “You moved on pretty fucking fast! Didn’t I mean shit to you?” I felt more tears fall down as I tried to hide my sadness with anger. “I thought I didn’t mean anything to you,” she suggested. “I love you,” I raised my voice having no idea how she could not know that by now. “You’ve said it, but never showed it,” she explained. “Well it doesn’t matter anymore, get back to your boyfriend,” I needed a second to pull myself back together before heading back to the boys. All of a sudden she had her arms wrapped around me, “he’s my cousin.” I gave into the hug letting her energy fill me as we stayed like that for a few minutes. She must have been able to feel that I had gained my composure back. “I don’t like seeing you cry Niall, but I wish you wouldn’t hide it when you need to. I love you and you being open with me is not going to diminish those feelings.”

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