He Misses the Birth Part 2 - His POV...

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Louis: When I got to the room the nurse was helping her learn how to breastfeed so I just pulled up a seat in the corner trying not to be too much of a bother. (Y/n) looked so pretty, exhausted, but beautiful. The baby already had a full head of hair and appeared to be pretty calm. The nurse was impressed with how quickly, “she” latched on. We had a baby girl! “Thank you,” (y/n) said as the nurse finished up the lesson and left the room. Then her eyes landed on me. “Where were you,” she tried to stay calm so we would not disturb the baby. “I fell asleep during the game,” I admitted ashamed. “I called you 53 times, literally. Where was your phone?” She was clearly heated and had every right to be. “It was on vibrate, on the table. Neither of us had gotten any sleep with our pregnant wives and were out cold,” I tried to justify what I had done, but realized it sounded worse than before. “I was 3 day’s early not a month, your phone should have been on full volume,” I wasn’t upset at her reaction because this was the emotional strong headed woman I loved. “You’re right,” I fed her ego. “What,” she was shocked since it was something I never said. “You are right,” I said it very clearly. “Well…” she was dumfounded, since it was too easy. “…are you going to get over here or not,” she huffed refusing to stop being angry. She adjusted so I could see her face. “She’s beautiful and looks just like her mama,” I stooped down to kiss her head. “You should have seen her when she was fresh. She was all blue and covered with my insides and stuff,” she joked. “I don’t have any bigger regret,” I was finally being honest and let the tears I had been fighting fall. “Louis,” she reached out for my hand and pulled me to sit next to her. “This is not the most important thing in the world. Compared to how much you are going to love, teach and help her, this is a drop in the bucket. Don’t beat yourself up, hell I’m even willing to bet she won’t remember this happened. Now meet her properly, so we can name the little bugger,” she sat up so she could hand her over to me. The second I held that healthy little bundle in my arms, everything seemed okay.

Harry: I ran to the room the nurse told me, but froze when I saw a fuming Gemma behind the glass door. I purposefully had not tried to explain the situation on the phone; because there was no way she would talk to me rationally. When she saw me she stepped out and blocked me from entering. “Too late, I’m not letting you see them.” I tried to sneak a peek desperate just to see the little guys head. “Please Gemma, do you honestly think that I would do anything to jeopardize this. I wanted to be here when my son came into the world,” I started crying realizing what I had missed. Before I knew it (y/n) was shoving her way out of the door. “Gemma,” she rested her hand on her shoulder to calm her. “You have been a savoir, and I love you… but Harry is a great husband and will be a great father… So, he needs to meet his son.” She calmed my sister amazingly. Gemma huffed in my direction, “fine,” then stormed off to get something to eat. “The fans were crazy and we couldn’t get out… my phone was…” “Harry,” she grabbed both my hands to help our eyes to meet. “It’s okay, I shouldn’t have told you to go. Now pull yourself together so you don’t scare him.” She smiled weakly. “This should be a happy memory, we’ll work it out later.” I realized that this was not normal, “You should be in bed.” I helped stabilize her since she was starting to waver a bit. “I’m fine,” she argued as I helped her sluggishly drag over. “Are you okay?” I sat down on the bed next to her and brushed her hair from her face. She looked exhausted, and I wiped a little sweat from her pail face. “I’m fine,” she whispered and nodded. Then she looked to my mother and beamed. My mom handed her the baby. “Look it’s your daddy,” hearing her coo that made me really happy. “He looks like you,” (y/n) explained proudly as she tilted him at me. I put my finger to his little hand and he griped it.  I was speechless and breathless as it finally really hit me for the first time that I was a father. “Do you want to hold him,” she asked already in the proper mindset. I realized I was frozen other than the tear running down my face, “yes, I really do.”

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