The Breakup...

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Louis: “It was a joke (y/n),” Louis seemed annoyed. “It was inappropriate, embarrassing and NOT the time,” he never knew when he had to be serious. “Fair enough, but bottom line, it was a joke.” “Bottom line? Is that a joke? Because I can’t tell anymore,” you stared at Louis’ guilt free face. “It was a joke, you need to get over it,” he continued to get more and more annoyed with you. “No I don’t, get over yourself Louis; I don’t have to deal with your shit.” “Get over myself? You’re the one who is making a big thing out of a harmless joke,” he was great at making you sound like a horrible girlfriend. “You don’t think I have the right to be angry about this?” “Not really,” he seemed confused now. “I think I have the right to feel the way I’m feeling, and I don’t think I should have to hide those feelings from the man I love,” you started to walk out. “(y/n), I’m not done talking to you,” he grabbed to try and stop you. “Too bad, because I’m done talking to you. Sorry you couldn’t get what you wanted this time,” you said heading straight to your car. All you wanted was for him to show some sort of remorse.

Harry: You wiped a few tears from your eyes as Harry walked in. “What you doing,” he asked suspicious as you slammed your computer shut so he couldn’t see that you were searching for hate. “Nothing,” you didn’t want to get into it with him. “You need to stop letting it get to you,” he ordered. “I can’t,” you started to cry loathing Harry’s lack of sensitivity at the moment. “Well you have to because it’s part of the deal.” “No Harry I don’t have to,” you tried to pull yourself together. That’s what makes you Beautiful flipped onto the radio you had playing, making the situation much worse. “What’s that supposed to mean,” Harry gave you the third degree. “Believe it or not you’re not irreplaceable handsome,” you became sarcastic, more anger than sadness now. “Neither are you,” he was insulted. You could not suppress your tears anymore, “God dam it Harry! Don’t you think I know that? I know that more than anyone else and I don’t need you telling me on top of everybody on the planet.” “You shouldn’t read it, maybe that would make you feel better,” he flipped the blame onto you. “You know what might make me feel even better? A clean slate. So you can take yourself and your bull shit song and get the hell out of my life,” you shoved the radio into his hands as you pushed him out the door.

Zayn: You should have known that when you were called into the meeting it was bad news, but you couldn’t believe you just had that conversation. “Don’t worry about it babe it will all blow over in a little bit,” Zayn said walking into the room you were using to cool down. You wished that he would have said something to them or defended you. “I don’t know,” you said not convinced. “As long as you keep it low key the fans will forget about it and as soon as the fans forget about it so will they.” He was trying to make you feel better, but you were starting to think his attempts weren’t good enough. “Keep what low key? Myself and how I live my life?” You were losing your cool. “Just try to tone down the stuff you do that is awkward to the public,” he explained. “That awkward stuff that I do Zayn, is not just stuff I do. That awkward stuff is me. I thought you loved that person, I never realized you wanted me to tone myself down,” you walked back into the room of the meeting. “I’m sorry that I embarrassed all of you, I didn’t realize that I was becoming an issue. Don’t worry about it though, because you don’t have to fear me humiliating you guys anymore, me and Zayn are done. You can tell the fans anyway you chose, it would be a shame for me to mess that up too, they mean so much to you. I wouldn’t want to hurt their feelings.” You took a pause trying to contain your tears as you looked back to a stone faced Zayn. “Problem solved?” You asked and as a tear fell down your face, Zayn shook his head slowly, but you were done and walked out.

Liam: “I’m I being unreasonable to ask him to see me on his weeks off?” You asked your friend. “No you two haven’t been together for 3 months now, him wanting to extend that to five is sketchy beyond belief,” she rubbed your back. “Was I too harsh to end it like this,” you showed her the conversation.“No way. If you two are having the issues you’re having and he doesen’t even have the decency to call you and at least let you hear his voice he deserves to be dumped over the phone.” She hugged you wiping away your tears. “Logically that makes sense, but why do I feel like this if its true,” you tried to calm your histarical breathing. “Doing the right thing is hard sweety. Detoxing from him is going to be a really good thing for you. Give it time and you’ll see that this is better.” She stroked your hair, but nothing could help the numbing pain.

Niall:  “I hate drama,” Niall said softly. “Well that’s too bad Niall, because this is a relationship. There is going to be drama and fights, highs and lows, good times and bad. Relationships aren’t perfect and neither am I,” you hated how he never got worked up, you were having a crises and he was trying to avoid the situation all together. “It doesn’t have to be like this, we can work though it reasonably,” he said cool as a cucumber. “No! I really can’t, because as much as I would like to be, I’m not reasonable. I’m crazy, difficult and sure as hell not sensible. I expect too much and that’s probably my fault, but this is not how I want to be handled. I don’t want you to stand there and lecture me about how to act, like you’re my mom or something.” He seemed unfazed, “I don’t know what you want me to do?” You felt the tears form in your eyes. You wanted more than anything for him to yell, cry, storm out, just show the slightest bit of emotion. “That’s the problem, you don’t know how to handle me, and I can’t handle how you’re trying to. It wasn’t meant to be, so let’s cut our losses while were ahead.” “I love you,” still no emotion in his sea blue eyes. “Goodbye Niall.”

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