Chapter 3: Momoyo's rage and Super Saiyan Yamato?!

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In all of a sudden, Momoyo's target is Chris and she rushed at her at full speed and she uppercut her sending her flying above and when everytime Chris hit something, it creates several crater and he winced loudly in pain as she began to fall down outside on the building. Yamato then quickly teleported that makes the group shocked.

Kazuko – Did Yamato just teleported out of the building?

Shouichi – I don't know. Beats me. But right now we need Momoyo to calm down.

Yukie – Right.

At the outside, at the river

Yamato then arrived at the river and he saw Chris falling down. When Chris is near on the ground, Yamato then quickly catch her and placed her gently on the ground.

Yamato – Are you ok, Chris?

Chris – Yeah. I'm fine though I need a little help.

Yamato – And what might that be?

Chris *as she held her stomach* – My stomach is sore.

Yamato – Don't worry, I'll take care of it. Just show me your stomach.

Chris suddenly blushed and exclaimed,

Chris – What?!

Yamato – Just show it to me. I promise I won't do anything bad on it. He said calmly.

Chris *still blushing* - Are you sure?!

Yamato – Yes. Now show it to me.

Chris then lift up her clothes and Yamato saw that her stomach was red and sore.

Yamato – Oh my God! Momoyo will pay for this.

Chris – I thought you call Momoyo, Nee-san. Why the sudden change?

Yamato – Long story short, I started calling her by her name when he rejected me for the third time.

Yamato then placed his both hands on the affected area and it glowed green. Chris gasped in shock that Yamato has healing powers.

Chris – You have healing powers, Yamato?!

Yamato – I will explain later. Right now I need to calm Momoyo down. Now let's go back. *as he reached out his right hand while he placed his two fingers on his forehead* Come and I will teleport both of us back to the building.

Chris – R-Right.

Chris then hold Yamato's hand and they both teleported back to the building.

At the old building,

When Yamato and Chris arrived, everyone is laying on the ground unconscious because they can't handle Momoyo's rage. Yamato then gritted his teeth in pure anger while Chris is checking others if they have a pulse. Fortunately, all of them has a pulse and Chris said to Yamato,

Chris – Yamato, they are alive. Though they need to take some rest.

Yamato – That's good to hear. Thanks Chris.

Chris – Your welcome.

Yamato then looked back at Momoyo in pure anger. He then said coldly,

Yamato – What did you do them?

Momoyo – Me? I just knocked them down. She said casually.

Yamato – You are going to pay for this. He said coldly.

Momoyo – And what are you going to do, fight me? Judging by your appearance, you seem powerless. She said while laughing evilly.

Yamato – Don't you dare underestimate me. He said as his hair is becoming gold from brown and his eyes are turning into teal from brown.

Yamato then clenched his fists and yelled loudly.


While he was yelling, the ground started to shake violently as Chris was in absolute shock as well as Momoyo.

Momoyo – No way. After all this time, you have this kind of power? This is going to be exciting.

Super Saiyan Yamato – Yes it is. Now, come and get me.

Momoyo then rushed at Yamato at full speed and punch him only to be blocked by Yamato by his finger.

Super Saiyan Yamato – Is that all? He mockingly said.

Momoyo then gritted her teeth. She didn't expect that Yamato is more powerful than her.

Momoyo – I will not accept defeat!

Super Saiyan Yamato – Neither will I!

Super Saiyan Yamato then teleported both of them outside the building to prevent the destruction of their home.

Their fight continues as Super Saiyan Yamato and Momoyo fist-fight to each other, exchanging shockwaves from here and there.

Super Saiyan Yamato – What's wrong? Can't keep up with my speed and strength? He said as he blocks numerous punches and kicks from Momoyo only with his fingers.

Momoyo – Shut up! She angrily said as she executes several punches and kicks.

Super Saiyan Yamato then yawned and he said, full of boredom on his voice.

Super Saiyan Yamato – Ugh. This is so boring. I thought you can give me a decent battle but I was wrong. Time to finish this.

Super Saiyan Yamato kicked Momoyo on her stomach and she winced in pain and held her stomach. Super Saiyan Yamato then teleported behind her and chopped her neck, making her unconscious in an instant. Once he made Momoyo unconscious, He then carried her and descended on the ground to meet up with Chris only to saw her in absolute shock. Yamato then reverted back to his base form and he said.

Yamato then placed the unconscious Momoyo on the ground and said,

Yamato – Maybe this is the time I need to reveal my secret.

Chris – What are you talking about? What secret?

Yamato – I'll explain to all of you later when I finished fixing the destruction that Momoyo made.

Yamato then fly above and unleash a green ball of energy to the place. Once the green ball of energy hits the ground, everything went back to normal in an instant.

Chris – Wow. Not only you can heal people but you can also restore any damages. That is so cool.

Yamato descended on the ground and said,

Yamato – Yeah I know.

With that, Yamato and Chris went back to the building while Yamato is carrying Momoyo.

To be continued...

Naoe Yamato's Story {Completed} Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant