Chapter 11: Just a normal day in the Academy and Belphegor's appearance

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Timeskip to lunch break

Yamato is currently lining up on the line while he saw Goku and Vegeta wandering around and for some reason they are finding him. Yamato then raises his hand and that caught Vegeta's attention. Vegeta said to Goku,

Vegeta - Hey Kakarot. That hand. It belongs to Yamato.

Goku - Great! Let's go to him.

Yamato - Guys! I'm over here!

Goku - We're coming, Yamato!

Goku and Vegeta then walked to Yamato who is his turn to get his lunch. Yamato then gave Goku and Vegeta a tray. When Goku and Vegeta received the tray, the staff gave them food and the three of them went to Yamato's friends and girlfriends on a large table because the gang is huge.

When they arrived, Yamato, Vegeta and Goku sat besides to each other, facing Yamato's 4 girlfriends.

While they are eating, Kazuko then started the conversation.

Kazuko - So, how the two of you arrived at our place?

Goku - When we are escaping on a dying planet called Planet Namek, Our space pod suddenly detected a black hole. Since there is nothing we can do, the black hole sucked us inside and when the white hole spit us out, we appeared on a another universe.

Miyako - Quick question, How did the two of you survived on a black hole? Normally, a person wouldn't survive on that when they cross on the region of a black hole called Event Horizon or unless you are immortal.

Vegeta - That is the thing we don't know. Maybe we are just super lucky that we survive on it. Even our space pod survived from it. We are just super lucky is all I can say.

Chris - Another question, Why did the Planet Namek died?

Goku - Because of Frieza. Our formidable enemy. He destroyed it.

Vegeta - Kakarot was the only one who defeated him in his Super Saiyan 3 form.

Yukie - You mean the form we saw earlier during your fight with Momoyo-senpai?

Goku - That's right. Though I don't why Yamato did achieve that form easily. It took eons for me to master that form. Say, how did you achieve that form, Yamato? He said while looking at Yamato.

Yamato - Maybe because of my intense anger and hatred on someone.

Vegeta - And who is this someone you are talking about?

Yamato - I'll tell to the both of you some day. Right now let's listen to your story because it's kinda interesting to listen.

Goku - Right. Oh and by the way Yamato, How did you achieve the previous Super Saiyan forms?

Yamato - It's all because of my mentor, thanks to him I was successfully achieve those forms and he help me to use my S-cells.

Vegeta - Eh?! How did you have S-cells?

Yamato - I don't know. Maybe I was born with it. Anyway, back to the main topic.

Goku - Right. After the white hole spit us out, we were travelling across in this new universe, until our space pod tells us that we are in Universe Majikoi.

Yamato - Universe Majikoi? I think I heard that name somewhere... *after a few moments of thinking* Oh yeah! That's the name of our universe. I got to say, your space pod was enhanced to a whole new level. To tell where are you, to detect black holes and it even gave you the security to survive from the deadly black hole. It was super awesome! One day, I wanted to go to your universe, Goku. I want to see it.

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