Chapter 10: Goku vs. Momoyo

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Momoyo - Here I come, Goku!

Momoyo dashed to Goku at her fastest speed and punched Goku only to be blocked by his one finger. Upon punching Goku's finger, a massive and powerful shockwave is produced and that causes the whole gym to shake.

Tesshin - I-Impossible! He only blocked Momoyo's strongest punch with his one finger?! He exclaimed in absolute shock.

Goku then smirked as he let out his white aura and said,

Goku - Is that all you've got? He said provoking Momoyo.

Momoyo - Don't underestimate me, Goku. For I am the strongest fighter here.

Goku then teleported behind Momoyo and uppercut her that sends her flying above the gym. Momoyo flew so fast that the roof of the gym was utterly destroyed as the debris fall on the ground.

Goku - What if I told you that I am stronger than you? He muttered to himself.

Goku then fly as the audience gasp in shock (Except Yamato and Vegeta) as they witness this human being is flying without any wings.

Kazuko - Hey look! He's flying. How in hell did he do that?!

Vegeta - That's because we Saiyans have the ability to fly using ki.

Chris - Ki? What is that?

Yamato - It is the life energy that we Saiyans have.

Momoyo then fall to the ground producing a loud thud.

Momoyo then stand up quickly as Goku dashed to her at full speed ready for a flying kick. Momoyo then lean to her right as she dodged the kick. She then countered Goku with a punch in the gut but when Momoyo punched Goku's stomach, Goku was unfazed and Momoyo gasped in shock.

Momoyo - H-H-How come my punch didn't work on you?

Goku - It's pretty simple. I am just stronger than you.

Momoyo gritted her teeth as she punch Goku's repeatedly only to be blocked by Goku's finger. (Just like what Jiren did to Goku when they fight to each other during the tournament of power. I don't what episode is that but I know Jiren did that.)

Momoyo's mind - 'He's fast. I can't keep up with his speed.' She thought.

Momoyo then backed away from Goku as a yellow aura was produced all around on her body.

Momoyo - Take this! Kawakami Style: Star-Destroyer!

Momoyo then fired a yellow beam of energy that resembles a star from her hands.

When the beam of energy reached Goku, He only deflect the incoming beam upwards without breaking a sweat. He deflected upwards to prevent destruction.

Goku - It's my turn now. He said as he cupped his hands together, forming his Kamehameha stance.

Momoyo - Oh no you don't!

Momoyo then rushed to Goku at full speed ready with a punch that is infused with fire energy. When Momoyo punched Goku, he only teleported behind her and unleash his attack.

Goku - Haaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

Momoyo - Crap!

Momoy quickly turned around blocked the attack by using her arms. When the beam hit Momoyo, he was skidding back as cracks are forming beneath her feet.

After 5 seconds, the blue beam disappeared and Momoyo was seen hit the wall pretty hard as she screamed in pain and she fell down on the ground.

Goku then go back to his battle stance as his white aura disappeared.

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