Chapter 15 (Finale): Forgiveness

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With Belphegor earlier before Yamato fainted,

When Belphegor successfully leave the body of Yamato in a form of a demonic spirit, it summons a demonic red magic circle below it and descends there and the magic circle leave no trace of it.

Setting: Hell

As Belphegor arrived in Hell, he saw his comrades fighting against the angels. After inspecting the place, he saw various destruction of his home. He was enraged with that.

Later, he then saw his parents fighting the high-ranking angels and it seems that they are losing.

Quickly, he rushed to them and blocked one attack of the archangel to be specific.

Archangel #1 - Give up, devils. Your fate has been decided. He said glaring at Belphegor.

Belphegor - Even if we die here in hell, I'm not going to give up!!!!

Archangel #2 - Fine. Then die!

As the archangel swing his greatsword, Belphegor made a sword from his hand immediately and slashed the archangel quickly, knocking him back and leaving a demon mark on its body.

Belphegor - Mother! Father! What happened?

Asmodeus - Son! It's good to see you again!

Belial - Hurry up and save us!

Belphegor - Don't worry, I will.

Without even knowing, there is an archangel behind them and he quickly stabbed Asmodeus' chest.

Unfortunately for the devils, the archangel infused his sword with their angelic essence that is enough to kill a high-ranking devil.

Belial - Asmodeus!! Nooooooo!!!! He rushed to Asmodeus' dead body.

Belphegor - Mother! Grrrrrrrr............. *as he began to glare at the archangel* You will pay for this!

Belphegor stood up and began to yell at the top of his lungs to power up at astounding level.

He teleported behind the two archangels and stabbed their heart mercilessly and utterly.

The archangels spit out a lot of blood from their mouth as they were killed instantly.

To ensure that the archangels are already dead, He stomped at their body with his feet at full power. The body of the archangels exploded into a bits of blood to show that they were killed brutally.

It seems that Belphegor is utterly enraged by the death of his mother. He then began to create ki blasts from his body as he glowed in demonic red color and fire it everywhere in Hell.

All the angels in Underworld are trying to fight back the homing demonic ki blasts but unfortunately, they were being killed by the blasts.

Some of them are exploding into a bits of blood. Some of them were being impaled brutally and many other brutal ways to kill an angel.

Belphegor roared fiercely as Hell began to erupt like a volcano.

Belial, on the other hand, fly besides to his son while carrying his wife's dead body and tried to calm him down but his son didn't listen to him.

Several fiery rocks began to spurt from Hell while Belphegor continued to roar like a maniac. He was so enraged at that time.

All Belial can do is to wait for his son to calm down.

After an hour, Belphegor finally calmed down as he fainted due to too much stress, pressure and power that he emitted.

Luckily, Abaddon, Belial's brother and Belphegor's uncle is alive and caught him.

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