Chapter 8: Yamato's forbidden power

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As the holy beam is heading towards to Yamato/Belphegor, he just simply swat it away with his massive right claw.

Yamato/Belphegor - You think that weak attack will work on me? Then you are wrong. Hahaha.

Tesshin - Tch..... He's a lot more powerful than I thought. There's must be some way to get Yamato to go back in normal form. Or isn't.

Momoyo - You mean there's no way to get Yamato back?!

Tesshin - I don't know, his mind was completely consumed by his devil powers. And I think the only way to get Yamato back is to kill him.

Tachibana - K-K-Kill him?

Momoyo - You've got to be kidding me. You know I can't do that.

Tesshin - There's no other way and that's the only thing that I can think of.

Momoyo and Tachibana gritted their teeth and Momoyo said,

Momoyo - I guess we have no choice but to kill him. Let's go Tachibana, Grandfather!

Tesshin and Tachibana - Right!

The three of them charged to Yamato/Belphegor at full speed, ready to punch him with holy energy infused with their hands.

Once they punched Yamato/Belphegor, it was only blocked by his wings. However, when they put more power on their punch, Yamato/Belphegor's wings is slowly being incinerated.

Yamato/Belphegor - No.... This can't be... How can such weak attack do massive damage against me?! I am invincible!

Tachibana - Your right, Tesshin. Holy energy deal massive damage against him.

When they back away, the white flames is slowly consuming Yamato/Belphegor's body.

Tesshin - Quick, let's finish him one shot!

Momoyo and Tachibana - Right!

Tesshin, Momoyo and Tachibana - Kawakami Style, Full Power Extinction Ray!

A white beam of holy energy appeared on their hands. Once the beams are heading towards to Yamato/Belphegor, the three beams merged into one massive beam of holy energy.

Yamato/Belphegor tried to push back the attack by his hands however,

Yamato/Belphegor - What?!

The beam is slowly consuming him and the Yamato's Demon form is slowly being incinerated and screaming in pain. It then causes a massive explosion that destroys everything on its path.

When the explosion is gone, a heavily injured Yamato is laying down on the ground, shirtless.

Tesshin - We did it. He said while panting.

Momoyo - Yamato!

Momoyo then rushed to Yamato and tried to wake up him up.

Momoyo - Yamato.... Yamato! Please wake up!

Yamato then opened his eyes and saw Momoyo looking down on him.

Yamato - Oh, it's you. What happened? He said while rising up and scratching his head.

Momoyo - Wait, you don't remember?

Yamato - No I don't.

Momoyo then explained what happened earlier.

Yamato - I see. So my evil powers consumed my mind and attacked everyone at my sight.

Tesshin - I see your awake now, Yamato.

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