PROLOGUE: Seventeen Years ago

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"Thank you Miss Rain. "


"Whatever" The Male scoffed, "Here's your money. Why don't you go... buy yourself something nice?"

"Hey! You're four hundred short!"

"Hmmm. How about I give you a special deal then?"He offered

"Special deal?"


"What we talkin bout?"

"Well.... Have you ever heard of a little something called..... A S.Q.U.I.P?"

".... No. "

" Well then Honey Bunches..... Why don't I enlighten you?" The male slid off the bed and headed for the bathroom.

'This better not be another Penis joke....' Rain thought as she snooped through the Man's things, 'pills?' She rose an eyebrow at a bag full of gray tic tac-like pills. 'Hmm... Maybe I'll just take this'


Hiya! Sorry if this chapter is really awkward. I think I was trying to be edgy or some shit when I wrote it haha.....  

Error: A tale of tic-tacs and despairWhere stories live. Discover now