Sushi and Upgrades

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Abbi wiped her hands as she returned to the school, she felt horrible for knocking that kid out and locking him in the gardener's shed but.. Her S.Q.U.I.P knew better than she did. It was a super computer so it must have a strategic plan in play.

She was so focused on this notion she didn't even notice the person in front of her until it was too late.

Sushi went EVERYWHERE.

"I'm so sorry! I- I should've been wa-" She broke off, her face turning beet red when she realised just who it was who she had bumped.

"It's okay Abbi, I wasn't in the mood for Sushi today anyways" Michael chuckled, picking pieces of the wrap out of his hair.

"I... Um, - Do you want to grab a bite to eat with me after school?" She asked him nervously. "To make up for your lunch and- and the morning thing"

Abbi cringed just slightly as she felt her S.Q.U.I.P form beside her, looking on with approval.

"I don't see why not" Michael shrugged. "Meet me at the mall okay?"

"Okay... I'll be there!!" She nodded, quickly walking away so she could collect herself.

'That was amazing. You actually talked to him' S.Q.U.I.P praised her, beaming a warm smile at its host.

"Wai... What did I do?" She looked to the SQUIP with worry. "I didn't- Oh my gord I did!!" Her hands flew to the sides of her head, tugging at her hair just bit

SQUIP!Michael formed before her, placing its hands on her shoulders. ' Breathe Abbi, Everything will be fine. I will guide y-you through it.' The Squip glitched just a bit 'We're going to need to get a few things before you go on your date, it will be easier if you leave now so we may prepare everything'

"I..... Okay" Abbi nodded. She was determined to make sure this date went smoothly and... it seemed the only way to do that would be with the help of these Squips.

'Now, Let's get to work'


Prepare for some mildly meta/wall breaking references. 

Error: A tale of tic-tacs and despairTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon