Upgrade: In Progress

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"W-What the hell was that? I- nnng!!" Abbie clutched her arms tightly as the 'second S.Q.U.I.P' activated only to writhe in pain some more as it was absorbed into her current S.Q.U.I.P

"That is what happens when you take too many S.Q.U.I.P's" Her Squippy boi replied as he fiddled with his tie.

"But- I only had two!!"

"Right.... " He rolled his eyes slightly before going rigid, his voice sounding more... robotic. "UPGRADE AVAILABLE. WOULD USER<ABBIE> LIKE TO UPGRADE?"

"Wait, what? What would an upgrade do for my geeeaaaah!!" She screamed, clutching her sides as an electrical current ran through her.


Desperate for the pain to cease, she accepted the offer to upgrade, shivering as a new sensation settled over her. "Wh-What's happening?"

"My programming is trying to reboot. Please go purchase BAJA BLAST and drink it down. All problems will be resolved "

"O-Okay..." Abbie winced as she got to her feet, limping her way out before peeking around to see where Michael had gone. 

Her eyes widened slightly when she saw the boy she coveted pushing his buddy Jeremy against a pillar. What were they-

She couldn't stop herself from letting out a choked gasp, gathering the attention of both boys.

"Abbi? Everything okay?" Michael asked, pushing up his fogged glasses with a goofy smirk. 

Unable to process what was going on Abbi simply ran past  the boy, running as far as her feet would take her. Out of the mall, down the street. Running and running until she arrived at a gas station, sinking down on the curb she finally began to weep. 

How could she have been so stupid? 

How could she have not seen it?

Thinking about it now... It was actually super obvious...

Letting out a shaky sigh as she wiped her tears, she noticed she was at 7-11. The same one Michael went to for...... 

Nevermind, abandoning that train of thought. 

Abbi rose to her feet, stumbling into the Gas Station to get the aforementioned Baja Blast.  Taking a moment or so to look around at everything only to jump slightly as her Squip reformed beside her, no longer looking like Michael but instead looking like Abbi herself. 

'I sincerely apologize for not warning you of Michael's relationship status. I did not think it would be a contributing factor to the success of your plan'

"It's fine... He was way outta my league anyways" Abbi sighed, wiping at her face once more as she reached into the cooler for a Baja Blast.  "So... What's this for anyways?" 

'Different Types of Mnt. Dew affect us Squip differently.  Baja Blast enhances our processing skills, and allows us to self-upgrade. Makes life easier for the user...' Her S.Q.U.I.P replied, glitching a red color momentarily before attaining a solid form before Abbi.  "Please drink it Abbigail. All your problems will be resolved"

The jilted girl stared at her body double a moment before opening the soda, downing it without another second of hesitation.  


Error: A tale of tic-tacs and despairOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora