A New Perspective

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Jeremy was hanging out in the mall, waiting for the game store to open so he could surprise his Boyfriend with that new game(Well, new to the store, old as heck in retrospective). He was on his way to the food court when he thought he caught something very interesting out of the corner of his eye. Turning round and hiding in a bush he gasped as he spotted none other than his good buddy Michael Mell sitting in the food court with- Abbi O'Rian!

Stifling himself he moved up carefully, moving from bush to bush until he got to be maybe a yard or so away from them. He was more than ready to pounce if she tried to make a move on his Player 2.

"So, um.... You're a Vintage nut... right?" He could hear Abbi ask

"That's one way to put it." Michael chuckled, taking a healthy sip of his Mwnt.Dew.

"So umm... Have you played Delta Force Task Team? It's a obscure Japanese game that got translated rather poorly...." Abbie explained nervously. "I had a copy in the basement before our last break-in."

"You had a copy of DFTT?" Michael exclaimed excitedly, knocking over their drinks in the process. "Oh my gosh!! I- I um... Sorry..." He ducked his head embarrassedly.

"No worries!! These pants needed a splash of color" Abbi laughed. "Here, I'll go get us some new drinks..." She grabbed their cups and headed for the soda machine Jeremy was hiding beside.

"Oh geez!!" Jeremy ducked down to make sure she didn't see him.

"He-elp them to he-eh-elp you" Abbi hummed to herself as she refilled their drinks, pulling a small pack of....

Oh no. Not-

Abbi dropped the small squip tablet in Michael's cup before heading back to the table. "So... Other than retro games, what do you like to do for fun?" She asked Michael as Jeremy struggled to get out of the bush.

"Well..." Michael rubbed the back of his neck nervously, just about to take a drink when-

"Oh!! Um.. That one's actually mine.... De-caf " Abbie laughed nervously as she swapped cups with the boy, taking a healthy gulp of her soda

"I didn't know they made De-caf Mwnt.Dew..." Michael chuckled as he watched the girl down her soda.

'They don't...' Jeremy thought to himself as he watched the girl for any sort of reaction, he knew it should be hitting her relatively soon and-

"Ow!!" Abbi's chin suddenly hit her chest and her face twisted into an expression of pain.

"Abbi? Abbi are you okay?" Michael asked worriedly.

"Y-Yeah... Just- Just heartburn is all" She squeaked back. "I- I'm gonna go to th-the..." Abbi stumbled down from her chair and ran for the bathroom.

Lucky for Jere-Bear his good friend Pandora was nearby with her buddy-buddy BLANK, stumbling out of the bush he ran over to the girl pulling her aside as discreetly as he could.

"Did you sell Abbi a Squip?" He demanded.

"What?!? No... I don't even know where to get them. " Pan replied worriedly. "Why? Is something wrong?"

"What about you? Did you give anyone a Squip?" He turned his attention to BLANK.

"No! When would I have time to even do that?" BLANK exclaimed, hurt that Jeremy would even think of such a thing.

"Jeremy, What's wrong? What happened to Abbie?" Pan asked once more, trying to calm her friend down.

"She just tried to squip Michael!!" Jeremy ran his fingers through his hair stressedly. "Oh geez... What the hell am I gonna do... Michael's gonna kill me if he finds out about this..."

"Calm down Jeremy... I'm sure you were just seeing things" BLANK assured the stressed boy.

"I wasn't seeing things!!" Jeremy yelled back at the Squip Boy.

"Jere-bear...? Dude, I thought you had work today" Michael sounded, walking over to the three of them with a soft chuckle.

"I did but I um... I got off early" Jeremy half-lied to his friend, rubbing the nape of his neck nervously.

"We'll catch up with you later Jeremy" Pan and BLANK waved to the boys before heading towards the P.F Chang's in the mall.

Error: A tale of tic-tacs and despairWhere stories live. Discover now