Shadow: The Dumb, the Dumber, and the Angry Bat

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Leaning tiredly on the wall, I watch Captain Andrews drill his squad, wishing I could jump back into training--just not with them. They're too lively for me to tolerate without effort; several are telling raucous jokes during breaks, and Lodge is bickering with Andrews every moment she can, going on about what kind of weapons they should be drilling with. It's a bit of a circus, really, and I wonder how they can focus enough for the missions they go on.

And, they're not even the most distracted people here.

"A baited trap? Are you crazy?" Rouge says off to my front right, aghast. I try to keep myself from looking over, which I've been stoically not doing for the past ten minutes, but I finally relent and shift my eyes. My bat-friend's face is flushed with frustration, much how mine has often been when I deal with the alien she's struggling with. "That's an awful strategy! We would only use that if it was the last resort!"

"It is a good plan," Eclipse replies, miffed. "And, besides, it wouldn't be you on the line. It would be Shadow or I, with a few soldiers--"

"Exactly!" She cuts in, angry. "Eclipse, we're talking about lives. People--these people"--she gestures with a sweeping motion--"--dying in conflicts to save others. Making decisions in the field has to take into account the people each decision carries. Each choice made is crucial because it holds soldiers' lives in the balance."

"So?" He asks, and Rouge gives him a horrified look. I've seen her use others for her own ends plenty of times, so it's good to know even she balks at the idea of using life itself as a tool. It's less good, however, that a certain half-brother of mine is digging his grave deeper with every word he speaks.

"So?" She demands, so apoplectic that she looks an inch from strangling Eclipse. "If you don't understand this, then I'm not going to try to explain it. I shouldn't have to," she says through gritted teeth. She turns around, angry, winging off to go somewhere else. Eclipse stares after her, not sure what he's done wrong. I watch the whole scene, wincing at it, but I hesitate to go and correct him.

I know we're on better terms now, but I've yet to try to chastise him like I was doing before. I've been worried it would be overstepping my bounds with him. But, seeing this? I have to do something, even if Eclipse finds it overbearing.

I'm not going to let him become like I was. I know how cold I became; I know that it didn't help anything. If I approach him from that angle, I can help him back onto the right path. This time for sure.

Steeling myself, I start walking towards him. I almost lose my nerve when he turns at the sound of my footsteps, but I set my jaw and continue until I'm right up against him, looking directly into his glowing amber eyes.

"Keh, Shadow, that's a little close," he chuckles uncomfortably, leaning back to increase the distance between us. I don't follow him, but I hold my ground as I cross my arms.

"You have to trust them if you want them to trust you," I begin, trying to sound more like I'm giving friendly advice than criticizing him. "You can't expect to function as part of a team if you keep up this charade."

"What charade?" He asks, confused. I try not to become frustrated, knowing he's probably not entirely aware what he's doing is wrong.

"Acting like lives are expendable. They're not. Worth in battle is not everything--if you forget that you're working with people, then you won't appreciate how much they're sacrificing to go into dangerous situations with you. I know you care about the people here, so show them. Don't act like you don't care whether they live or die."

"But, I do," he says, sounding surprised.

"It sure doesn't sound like it," I reply, trying not to slip into an overly stern tone that I know he won't appreciate.

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