Amy/Tower: You Weren't There

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Amy's POV:

"We are glad to have you join us here," King Nigel welcomed, the golden tassels on his royal jacket fluttering as he turned around to greet Commander Tower and Team Dark. "Please, make yourselves at home. Our staff will carry your luggage to your rooms for later, and they will be happy to help if you need anything throughout your stay."

"Thank you. Shadow, will you please take the briefcase?" Commander Tower requested, and Amy watched in surprise as Shadow accepted the briefcase Eclipse had been carrying, slinging the strap across his chest. It was a polite way of avoiding handing the case over; Amy could guess it contained sensitive documents, perhaps the Commander's personal laptop. She was impressed by how civil G.U.N.'s Commander was being, but she was skeptical as to whether he was genuinely this way or merely playing a political role. Her interactions with Team Dark the past year hadn't given her the best impression of his character, but she didn't know that much about the man himself--she found herself watching him closely, having always wondered why Shadow seemed to hold so much respect for him.

"Not a moment too soon," Rouge groaned as she handed the suitcases she was carrying to one of the castle staff. Amy tried to suppress her disdain for the white bat as she watched, but she couldn't deny that, whatever her opinion of Abraham Tower, she held a much stronger dislike for Rouge. She'd always held a good opinion of Shadow's character, but she couldn't say the same for his long-running teammate--she tried to hope that he knew more about Rouge than she did, but sometimes she felt skeptical at best that the bat was anything but a bad influence on him.

Eclipse, though, she wasn't yet sure about. He seemed genuinely nice, but the sheer fact she felt herself relaxing so much around his easy demeanor set her on edge. She knew it was probably unfair to him, but she couldn't help but feel that a predator would be very good at making his prey drop their guard.

Don't think that way. That's mean, she chastised herself, watching the alien grin as Shadow attempted to adjust his chest fur beneath the briefcase's strap. Shadow's never made me feel that way. I'm just being xenophobic.

"We can take a tour of the grounds for as long as you wish, then return here before dinner to wash up," King Nigel continued, speaking directly to Commander Tower, who nodded politely. Amy felt strange, looking up at him; she'd known he was tall, but, somehow, seeing him on the television had never managed to convey just how tall he was. She guessed he was two meters, at least, tall enough that he dwarfed the Mobians around him.

King Nigel led the group toward one of the castle's main side exits, well-mannered and composed next to the rigid, stern human, and Amy felt her eyes tracking over all of their guests, watching Shadow's ears twitch at a distant sound as Eclipse studied the intricate stone flooring. Rouge was reapplying her vibrant lipstick--Amy looked away as politely as she could--turning instead to study Tower again. His features were harsh from years of occupying such expressions, much like she'd thought Shadow's were before she had realized his eyes were naturally sharpened, and she peered at him as they walked through the majestic hallways.

What an austere uniform, she thought, wondering why G.U.N. didn't have medals or other insignia like the Castle of Acorn. She'd always liked King Nigel's coat, thinking it was elegant and regal in a simple way, but G.U.N.'s uniforms were so starched and cold, even with the vivid colors that designated rank. The gray, especially, she felt was too clinical, not as formal as black and not as dignified as a classic navy blue.

"This castle is beautiful," Eclipse said in amazement from her left, and Amy was glad for the distraction, smiling at the alien as he looked up at the vaulted ceiling, covered with intricate carvings. "I didn't know there was such detailed craftsmanship on Mobius."

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