Chapter 1

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            "Get the fuck outta my house, and don't come back.", my mother told me. 

          "That's very fine. I been doing everything own my own and I get the keys to my apartment today anyways." 

     I packed all my things called a cab and went to my apartment. I had to go to work in a few hours so I just folded all my clothes and put them in the closet. Hours past and I just sat there crying thinking about how am I going to manage for the next few months. I worked at Burger King full time and I didn't have a car so I would catch the bus or a cab sometimes. I couldn't call off because I couldn't afford to lose my job with the position I am in right now.

       Time passed and it was time for me to go to the bus stop and be on my way to work , so I hopped in the shower got dressed, threw my hair up into a messy bun. I grabbed my keys walked out the door and went to the bus stop. The bus usually comes at 8:15 but it seemed late tonight and like I said I couldn't afford to lose my job. A couple minutes later a black honda pulled up and asked did I need a ride. I don't usually get in the car with strangers but fuck it I needed to go to work.

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